Run 1599
Date: 12/3/2014
Hare: D&EH3 AGPU
Location: Kew RSL, Cnr Charles & Hotham Streets, Kew
Scribe took no notes so I’m making it up:) Just a quick one!
Good turn up to the AGM, several of us Lakesiders holding up the Lakeside banner (not literally).
Late start as expected followed by the shortest hash run in my extensive hash career. I believe it just made the minimum 35 mins to be an officially recorded hash run. I clocked up 5.1km including on backs and checks making it under the 5 for those who short cutted.
No charges as such, more the lengthy formalities of the retiring committee and introduction of the incoming.
A lot of fun & frivolity and many many awards (clever & wouldnt wish to win one but…)handed out for the many offences over the past year.
Lots of jokes kept us all amused.
We received the auspicious gift of a bright yellow Tshirt that would be well placed on the forwards on the rugby field:) the smallest was happily going to wrap around me 3 times. Minder made the decision to order in a few smaller sizes to cater for the physically challenged.
The food was really great, really really great! AND I’m told the barman was rather generous with his wine portions.
Personal note- kindly told by D&E hasher that I would never be asked to join because I’m too good a runner, go figure…….Men!!!
All in all a fun night had by all…………on on.