Date: 23/4/2014
Hare: Prince
Location: Leinster Arms Hotel, Cnr Gold & Hotham Streets Collingwood
A very handsomely set run by a charming Prince!!
Visitors – Sam, Vic and Charlie
Prickly Bush, Deeper, SOS, Janet and Dougal (Swingers) – had trouble reading the notes so hope I got this correct. Thanks for taking the notes E&B:)
An early charge to SOAS for not paying attention. Taken away with the Princely hare…
Cooch gave a glowing run report – Run did what he thought it would. Lots of back checks. Death march along the river where he hit his head for not ducking quick enough. Many got displaced (only due to those not waiting for trail to be found by those of perseverance), he wanted to piss on the Collingwood ground (fair enough!) Good run, wow!! 28/30.
Klingon earned a down down for a massive ankle sprain he got at the end of the goat track, one in which he continued to finish the run on only to end up with a balloon for an ankle by the end of the night.
Hash Joke, yep a funny one from Nickle B, plenty of resounding laughter from the troups!!
Special Runs
Tricky Dicky 44, SOAS 140
Couples counts – E&B and Cooch 557 and 558. Nickel B and Lots of Fun 534 and 524.
Cooch for attacking a tree on trail.
Sir GG for Not signing the book AS Sir GG E&B for holding up proceedings by taking photos.
SOAS for shortcutting the run.
Prince for a record number of on backs.
Deeper for being too slow on the goat track ( nothing to do at all with PB freaking out & needing his guidance) Prince got the hat trick- 3 charges, Said he was the HHH Historian, but only has all the sign in books and 1 photo album with all Prince photos in it 🙂 PB for calling out “Kevin (who?) are you coming?”, oops!!
Racy Tracy for spending the whole weekend with something between her legs & bandy all week.
Sam & Vic for also liking fox & hounds (I think I missed that bit) Deeper for not following SOAS who found trail.
New Moon this Saturday. Easter and Anzac Run.
Bike Hash at the end of May.
Next Week – Kokup and Punch in South Melbourne at the Maori Chief.
HASH SONG ………………..ON ON…………………..