Do do run run
Lakeside Hash House Harriers
The drinking club with a running problem
Lakeside run on Wednesday nights starting at 6:30ish, usually within 10kms of the Melbourne CBD (Central Boozing District). Runs cost $2, the food costs $3 unless it is at a pub, and all drinks cost $2. Visitors are always welcome – just show up and ask for a drink!
Run no. 967 date 29th. Jan ’03
Venue: Naughtons Hotel, Parkville
Hare: O’Doush, Lay-on-me & Whippet
The 4th. annual margarita run.
O’Doush returned for his famous (infamous) margarita run with a bit of help from Lay-on-me and Whippet. Although we think only Whippet set the run and O’Doush mixed the margaritas and Lay-on-me acted as waitress. Those who went on the ran had a long trot through the University, Carlton, Carlton North, Melbourne Cemetry, Princes Park and Parkville to end up in the native garden in Royal Park. Only to find that most had walked straight to the drink stop and were on their third or fourth round. Eventually we finished the drinks and headed back to the pub, only some seem to take a round about route to get home when it was only about 1/2 km. to home straight down Royal Parade.
At the start of the proceedings the GM clearly stated that he had not had a drink. (maybe 3 or 4).
And noted that “THONGS” was the word for the night.
The hares O’Doush, Whippet and Lay-on-me were given a drink.
Kirsty and Geoff called something off because it was too hot – at which point everyone started singing “Cool Change”.
Drinks were given to Ginger Beer the new WSH3 GM
Leech WSH3 pervert
and BarterBitch, Boner, Pissed Basher and Point Post as WSH3 members.
E + B got a drink for her 100 runs.
The Seargent @ Arms Baa-baa-ra then proceeded with the charges.
BarterBitch for 400+ runs
The RA (stand-in GG) was charged for providing work in Canberra for Baa-baa-ra by burning down all the houses.
GG then described the run (as above) adding that the drink stop was superb and scored it 9/10 particularly as it missed the Carlton footy ground.
Boner charged Taxing and Kakadu for coming back. (virgins???)
BarterBitch was charged for having an orgasm in the circle (sneezing multiple times).
E + B was charged by BarterBitch for not being at the Burns Night run at WSH3
And BarterBitch charged Baa-baa-ra for letting her charge while she was charged.
Udder was charged for slack charging.
Taxing was charged for accepting champagne from Kakadu.
Astro and Tic Tac Toe had been on a 5 hour bike ride – but got in good with the GM by presenting him with a VIVA LAS VEGAS t-shirt.
The raffle was drawn and prizes were won by Cooch, Bovine, GG and Klingon.
And the “THONGS”?. They had belonged to the Chef but went missing sometime during the evening. The Hash paid off the Chef and then the Publican paid off the Hash !!!!
And if this account does not sound like the hash run that you went to – you probably drunk as much as I did.
Wed, 5/02/2003, Run 968, Kakadu Dax, Peter & Freda’s Cafe, 240 St Kilda Road, St Kilda, 58 C9, Hash are doing the beers
(Note change of venue for above run)
Wed, 12/02/2003, Run 969, Toto and Bovine, “Bella Vita” Pizza Bar, 500 Mt Alexander Rd, Ascot Vale, 28 K9, Valentine’s Day and Test Red Dress Run, Hash are doing the beers
Sat, 15/02/2003, Run 970, Committee, Oxford Scholar Hotel, 427 Swanston Street, 2B E12, Red Dress Run, 4:00 PM Start