Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Run 1043, 16 June 2004 Hare: Lounge Lizard & Kakadu Venue: Peter & Freda’s Café, 240 St Kilda Road, St Kilda
On a crisp winter night an unusually large pack had been lured to the wilds of St Kilda. * Was it the closeness to our traditional homeland? * Was it the promise of Peter and Fredas unusually good fish and chips? * Was it the lure of the combined talents of our hares Kakadu and Lizard? * Or was it the promise of some over exposed flesh or a brothel or two? who knows there were a lot of us anyway The run was awarded merit points for its cunning use of the St Kilda backstreets, got a tick for including the park, a little extra for the drink stop all in all a good run 12/17. Visitors: Melissa but she didnt stay for the circle Twin Peaks back again Special Runs: Prince for 85 Lethal took his drink Bovine Breeder for CXV Charges: Lethal trying to get out of buying raffle tickets by using a $100 note GG superior hashing The Hares didnt go past any brothels, or any working girls Sooty another rodent in Hash Rolf short cutting Lizard setting the run from the car, and being seen doing so Kakadu for his fine contribution to the evening The Hares a smut charge All Poms backing the wrong team Shunt problems with his left one
Scribe: On onGerbils