Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Run 1046, 7 July 2004 Hare: Kokup Venue: Whitehorse Inn, 5 Burwood Road, Hawthorn
We arrived at the pub to find there were no hashers to be found in the bar, so we had a look upstairs. They were in a boardroom called the Barton room. It seemed a most appropriate place for a crisis meeting of the Lakeside board, just as leadership matters were the talk of the town.
When we were getting ready to run Lethal had an announcement. Representing the long-standing Bent-for-GM campaign, he said as there were no other takers, that Bent had accepted his time had finally come he would be the GM. He apologised however that he would not be coming to any runs, but that anyone else could be acting GM. The announcement was greeted with overwhelming indifference.
Before dispatching the pack, the hare, who was one of the non-leaders appointed by the previous GM of the now leaderless Lakeside, announced that something else would be announced. There would be a real new GM. It seemed that Lakeside may not be doomed to disband after all. So we all set off in a state of wonderous expectation into the cold drizzle of the dark Hawthorn night,
The run went through a number of loops which the pack kept missing mainly because the well placed arrows were either mostly washed away or hidden by the reflection of light in the puddles. After missing the train at Hawthorn station we went through a number of parks down to the Yarra bank. The pack was kept mostly together except for the pikers and shortcutters who decided it was a good night to do their hashing back at the pub. We made it to the drinkstop but only after Bovine’s using the map to find it was just round the corner.
Back at the board room we were duly provided with human finger food as promised. It turned out to be fingers that had been chopped up and turned into little pies and pizzas and sausage rolls. Anyway with a bit of dead horse they kept the pack from turning on themselves.
Kokup called up the circle while Janus got in the jugs. Then came the announcement. The last GM had declared she would be the last and that GMs were no longer required. Most of the pack seemed to think that some kind of top dog was more the natural order of things. The new committee had been delegated to find an answer. After the most widespread consultation ever, Kokup announced, to thunderous applause and cheering, that the leader of last resort, the hasher with the most runs at Lakeside, the GM you get when no one else would do it, would be none other than The Boomerang!
So up he came, and took charge. Punch reckoned it was because of his legs which got her the first charge. Mothball gave the run report and gave it 6/54 which was mainly because the outside temperature was six degrees. Other charges:
Klingon: for being the scribe. Visitor: Dead Man Running (from Sydney Thirsty, originally New York, named in Chicago, according to DMR) Ordering extra non-cannibal food: Bovine Breeder and Dead Man Running Special runs: Prince 88, Razza 5, Klingon 300 Bovine got a rebound charge and Nicklebum got one for being RA and causing rain. Lostafun for preparing and presenting Hashcash accounts that were too good. Mothball for his non-report of run 1042 Tigermoth and Punch for wrong names Nicklebum for wanting to name Razza but having no good name.
GM Boomerang announced a committee meeting at his place on Monday Trailmaster Kokup announced that we need volunteers for runs RIP.
Scribe: Klingon
Upcuming runs
14 July Run 1047 Hare: Lethal Venue: 7&7 Korean Restaurant, 21B Koornang Road, Carnegie 68 J3
21 July Run 1048 Hare: AddOn Venue: TBA