Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Ex-Grand Master: The Boomerang Religious Advisor: SBD Hash Cash: Underfelt Grog Master: Janus Soc Sec: Miss Piggy On Sec: The Shah Hash Haberdash: Shagadelic Hare Raiser: Kokup Hash Flash: Bovine Breeder Web Master: Klingon
Run 1086, 31 March 2005 Hares: Gerbils Venue: Fritzch Holzer Park, Hawthorn
Sorry about the delay but I looked pretty funny bringing an empty pizza box into work let me tell ya. The run was promised to be a long one and that it was. It circled around Hawthorn with lots of checks that kept the pack together. Though the trail was easy to find at the checks with only 4 people with torches and a dark night, it checks proved a challenge. Another challenge was crossing Gardners Creek with some hashers having a problem crossing except Add On who seemed to have no problem crossing in her pram.
There was a nice long out and back circuit/tour of seriously expensive houses for the FRB’s which went much longer than expected when Carpet Burns called an on back at 3 arrows (as instructed by the hare mind you). After half an hour it was sorted out. In the meantime Shaggy found where the trail touched (not crossed though) and took the SCB home to start drinking…
Guest RA tonight was Shagadelic and Down-downs were given to:
Previous Lakeside Hashers back to visit. Returnee’s : Too Dumb to Die and Too Dumb to Divorce – now in Washington, Liquid Remover – now in Switzerland.
Visitors: Hangman from Fiji Lack of Liquidity from Hawaii. Virgin – Lucinda without a D. Returnee – Carpetburn
Add On got a Down Down from losing Daisy the stuffed bear type thing. GG – for pushing Mummys Boy over and not finishing him off Liquid Remover – for being on too many long walks around Tassie. Gebils the hare got a down down for losing Sooty on the trail. Whippet – for doing the hash write up on a pizza box. GG charged E&B for losing the hash stamper in mens toilet in a park. How she did this remains a mystery but we will leave it to your imagination. Highly Infectious – a webmaster charge from a disgruntled hasher Mothball – for losing the trail even though he had a map. E & B and Barter Bitch – Infecting each other at by sharing bodily fluids Cooch then gave a report of Nash Hash in Port Macquarie so was given a down down. Rolf Harris was given a Low Key Charge. Bovine Breeder was giving a Skulking charge for skulking around in the dark which is a normal activity for him. Point Post was charged for refusing Pussy which just unacceptable. A charge was given to Nefertits for preparing to go back to Canada in time for the Seal Hunt. Bovine Breeder was presented with a nice set of bright pink ski googles for skiing or just wearing around in St. Kilda at night. A Casualty charge was given to E&B and Mummys Boy both who managed to fall on the run and skin their knees. (though both are probably used to being on their knees). Rigby was charged for 27 runs and GG for 604 runs. Lastly, Lack of Liquidty gave us some info on the Hawaii Hashes (on Tuesday and Saturdays) and the Volcano run in July which sounded way too serious for Hashers.
On On.
Scribe: Whippet
Upcoming Events Next Full Moon run is Run No. 61, 24 April 2005, Hare RS, Location: TBA NashHash Easter 2005 . Lakeside Weekend Away to celebrate 21st birthday of Lakeside Hash. May 7th 2005. Camp Narbethong near Marysville . Pay $60 to Underfelt – includes sleeping space, dinner, supper & breakfast
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page