Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Relig. Advisor: Yolanda “Screw Top” Shaw Hash Cash: Mirian “Tiger Moth” Cruz Grog Master: Mark “Whippet ” Willetts Checking Chicken: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Sgt@Arms: David “Mothball” De Freitas Soc Sec: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Gierke On Sec: Reza “The Shah” Gharavi Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Hare Raiser: Phillip “Prince” Johnson Hash Flash: Anyone? Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1185, 10 January 2007 Hare: Astro Venue: 3 Molesworth Ave Canterbury
The report of tonight’s run, as given by LotsaFun, consisted of “it went down here, round there a bit and passed some beaut houses”. With material like that it to work on it’s not surprising that journalists (such as myself) resort to making stuff up! Astro described his patented arrow system, and averred that it was an appropriately short run for the conditions, and no-one disagreed with him. He was later ridiculed for not being able to get started at the grog shop, but it’s not surprising really considering the age of his motor! TwoBottoms, who Cheesecake noted was returning to Lakeside after a seven day absence, gave it a realistic 45/44. This including a drink stop just a block or two short of the finish! Pog was witnessed asking the hare if it was a long way to the end, and being told that it was about 800 metres decided to have another beer, presumably on the grounds that it was far enough to require the extra kilojoules of energy. Lots of energy turned up later, in the form of some excellent take-away pizza.
A whole bunch of returnees were present; Tripod and CumsInfrequently from Dubai on a whistle-stop tour of Australia, Deeper on day release from the Luton Girls Male Voice Choir, Pog who is now rumoured to run with E. suburbs (the posh hash), plus Stuart & Pauline, Addon and Rolf Harris absent for no justifiable reason. Prince is on 199 runs and was warned to expect something special the next time he makes an appearance.
The Sergeant-at-Arms complained of having no material for sinners. He was rewarded with a raft of charges from the floor. E & B was found guilty of employing child labour in the raffle preparations, in spite of arguing that the victim Addon did it willingly. Pog collected a beer in lieu of two years interest on the up-front payment for his new-design sweatshirt. Jackie was commended for not being late this week – something of a first we were led to believe.
Getting a down-down for having something down ones trousers is probably common for the average hash man, but Pauline, it cannot be denied, is a harriet! And who knows what Bovine Breeder gets all his beers for? He got another this week even though he didn’t arrive till after the run, dressed in his office attire. He then insisted the Poms get yet another commiseration beer for their 20/20 defeat – it’s amazing how fewer and fewer people admit to being Poms as the number of defeats mounts. Finally Klingon led the assembled masses in the Hash Song, and in spite of there being two fine choral artistes in this week’s pack, I still failed to detect anything remotely like a tune.
As always the scribe cannot be held responsible for errors and omissions. I look forward to the return of the regular hash scribe Shah; and for your kind attention while I have been his substitute, I thank you, and wish you goodnight!
!ON!ON! Crabbo
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in several colours; collar is denim. $30. ‘How to order’ details to follow from E’n’B.
Upcoming Events
Next Full Moon run: Run No 82 at 4 p.m on 7 January 2007. Hares: Hares: Hares Simon (Lubang Oz) and Metty Wreford Venue: Doongalla Homestead Picnic Area, Map 66 D5
16 Dec – Christmas Party Up to $50/head
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page