Run 1251 Report

Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem


Grand Master:   Phillip “Prince” Johnson Relig. Advisor: David “Point Post” Shearn Hash Cash:  Mirian “Tiger Moth” Cruz Grog Master: David “Mothball” De Freitas Checking Chicken: Lai “Lotsa Fun” Leicester Sgt@Arms:  Nick “NickleB” Leicester  & Phillip “Mummies Boy” Edwards Soc Sec:  Dana “Dangerous” Clementz On Sec:  Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly  Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Hare Raiser: “The Shah”, “Flem “& “It Wasn’ Me” Hash Flash: Eva “Codpiece” Cox Web Master:  John “Klingon” Perkins

Run 1251, 27 February 2008 Hares: Crabbo Venue: The Lambsgobar, 135 Greeves St, Fitzroy  

Crabbo and UCT were having a great time annoying bus drivers on the Mornington Peninsula, but rushed back on the Tues to set the run for Wed. Young Crabbo sought to suck up to the GM, our Prince and the curmudgeonly Lakeside elder, GG by laying all the run in Collingwood when he had a perfectly good Fitzroy available.

We had a drink stop at the Retreat Hotel as seen in “The Sullivans” which was on telly before I was born. We were taken down every street and land that Squizzy Taylor ever had an SP bookie operation in.

On-Home was the LambsGoBar – very intimate – with high class hamburgers with prices to match. We circled around the pool table and had the circle.

Returnees Mothball, TigerMoth, Mummies BOy, Craven Moorhead.

Visitors Unacceptable, Gerard, Ron Cheesecake’s Brother In Law From Perth (Ron CBILFP)

Significant Runs Sooty x 150, Prince x 252, TigerMoth x 130

Charges -Crabbo for being seen lurking around Peel St Collingwood, a known gay haunt. -Prince for abandoning the run book. -Klingon for nicking The Age from someone’s letterbox, to see if he got any mentions. -Prince for not being allowed to watch the brothel show on TV. -GG for criticising Collingwood. -Codpiece for knowing about the dusky maidens in the 1950s prints on the wals which are now woth thousands. -Flem for damaging Mothball’s shin on his towbar. -Craven for bringing a mobile phone on the run and having a conversation thereon. -Mothball for having a pre run whinge. -Prince and GG for wearing D&E T shirts. -Too Easy for doing stretches and looking professional. -E&B for having 10 oysters and getting frisky with Cooch. -Cooch for needing lessons in short cutting. -Cheesecake, Codpiece and Craven for perving at the sexy undies shop. -Craven for knowing that vinyl sweats. -COdpiece for having a demure couture. -Mummies for calling Fat Crushing Bastard a wife. -2 Bottoms for having 3 Bottoms. -Ron for walking on the run and keeping up. -Mummies for media tarting in Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, Discovery Channel, Der Speigel. -IWM for being well dressed. -Sooty for truanting from his RMIT course on monitoring water systems and for wearing jandals, aka Samoan safety boots. -E&B for seeing a man blowing 3 trumpets using nose and mouth orifices, or as Mummies sez, blowoing 3 strumpets. -Cooch for telling GG where the run is. -UCT for not knowing hash rules.    

Scribe: Cheesecake


New LSH3 rugby top for sale!  Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black  $30.

Upcoming Events

Next Full Moon run: Run No. 95, at 4pm 20 January 2008. Hares: Metty (Lube Oil) & Simon (Lubang Oz) Wreford. Location: O’Briens Crossing picnic grounds, Lederderg River. Map 609 E 11

Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page

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