Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Stewart “Flem ” Smith Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Grog Master: David “Mothball” De Freitas Checking Chicken: Lai “Lotsa Fun” Leicester Sgt@Arms: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Soc Sec: On Sec: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Hash Haberdash: Eva “Codpiece” Hookey Hare Raiser: Rowan “Cooch” Compagnoni Hash Flash: Eva “Codpiece” Cox Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1361, 20 Jan 2010 Hare: Shit Off a Shovel Venue: 16 Fulham Road, Alphington .
It was with a great deal of trepidation that the pack met chez SOAS for another killer run. Memories were still fresh of the last SOAS run that was the longest run ever set since records began in 1809. Rumour s abounded that Bovine Breeder, myself and Crackup (runners that actually completed the killer run) had been in training at a secret location since before Christmas. A large pack assembled in beautiful weather for this mini-marathon and at 6.47pm the runners assembled. After an interminable ten minutes of long drawn out instructions we finally set off on an excellent scenic run. Alphington is a gem of a suburb with many lovely restored period homes and many open spaces. Cheesecake was as usual appraising the real estate and no doubt she will be looking for a suitable property in the area. Anyway, the hare sent us along river banks, leafy streets and parks and we were all impressed .As we reached Alphington Station after 7kms I thought the SOAS had seen the light and set the trail to home. No such luck; we went on another loop around Darebin before we finally made it to the finish. It was a relatively short run by SOAS standards of 10.5kms (according to Crackup).
Run Score 57/60 According to Crackup
Food Score: 40 out of 42 (It always helps to have French Chefs around)
Visitors: Spanish Mistress, Mark, Jane and Claire
Returnees: Holy Shit, Twisted Sister, Cyclone, SOAS and Big Bang
Significant Runs – Cheesecake 363, Crackup 18
Namings –
Charges: Nickleby – For not reminding SOAS about the cutlery Luban Oz – Only person to get his feet wet British Citizens – To celebrate the visit of Prince William Astro – Pretending to be an athlete Sooty – For having nothing to say (Can’t say that this has happened before) Udder, Crackup and Bovine – For having fully completed both SOAS runs (an average of 12.7kms) Etcetera Etcetera
Scribe: Udder Idjit
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black $30.
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