Run #2006
Date: 26 May 2021
Hare: Quick Lay
Venue: Albion Hotel, Curzon Street, North Melbourne
A meansley seven of us (including Dragon) turned up to Curzon Street on Wednesday night to run by the light of the blood red moon. We donned our masks. Pog took off and missed the first arrow around the corner of the pub. Udder and I followed him, wondering where everyone else had got to. We found trail eventually, and then found the hashers too.
We reckoned that Quick Lay laid quickly the arrows until he got to the Vic Markets where he was able to purchase more chalk. From there on, the trail was more certainly laid back to the pub. .. very laid back indeed.
Six out of seven of us made it back to the pub in time to stop Quick Lay from having his meal. We dragged him out, instead, to the cold footpath where we decided to hold the circle BEFORE DINNER. I bought a $20 jug of beer (thanks hash cash in advance) and we started the circle….ah… but alas… one of us was missing. Wild Rider was still out there somewhere. We agreed that she’s a REAL HASHER and could not start the circle without her. So we let Quick Lay’s food go stone cold and we waited for our Harriette to return. We were all a bit short of material and miserable with covid restrictions; had a few charges; finished the beer and went in for dinner.
In attendance were E&B, Wild Rider, Udder, Pythagorarse, Point Post, Klingon, Dragon and Pog – and Quick Lay – see the pic.