Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Pauline “It Wasn’t Me” Middelveld Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Simon “Lubang Oz” Wreford Grog Master: John “Klingon” Perkins Checking Chicken: David “Udder Idjit” Cheeseman Sgt@Arms: Barry “GG” Kerr; Soc Sec: Linda “Cyclone Tracy” Anderson-Berry On Sec: Andrew “Shitoffashovel” Middleton Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg and Bacon Pie” Gierck Hare Raiser: Nick “Nickle B” Leicester Hash Flash: Mark “Ambidexterous Hand Job” Kalic Web Master: Stuart “Flem” Smith
Run 1543, 20 March 2013 Hare: Lu Bung Oz Venue: 18 Grove St Hawthorn
The run was through a muggy and balmy night that left all people who’d downed a bottle of wine and Pernod the night before suffering. I’ve heard it went around parks and streets and laneways of Hawthorn, Kew and Richmond. Curry food and snacks followed and was as delicious as always. Thanks to Lube Oil; Nicklebee and Lotsa Fun this is what you’ve got to aim for! (Besides the need to have a run that doesn’t fall around holidays so the scribe can attend.) Circle commenced with a charge to Silent Night for being a visitor. Everyone else was here last week. The hare was called forth. And complaints of cobble stones were proffered by Shoe Shopper. She’s from the newer, posh suburbs on the bay. 69/74 for the run and food 24 and half of 25. Prince called forth for his 100th run cup; his 100th run was some years ago. Don’t ask, this is Lakeside. Lubang Oz for 200 runs last week. 500 runs for e&b – a bronze shoe. Absolutely fantastic. Then Nor Me came running into the circle and performed a rap dance and fell on his head. The scribe laughed and noted that Nor Me’s effort was likely to be the funniest moment of the circle. (This was proved accurate soon after when GG told his first joke.) Special runs that didn’t end in two zeros followed. Kock up, Klingon and GG for a run he’d done three weeks before. But given the other special runs tonight the only thing that was raised were eyebrows. GG’s joke followed. It was about the Irish in honour of St Pattie. Alas, Nor Me wasn’t around for entertainment. Charges: Pointy for 800 runs E&B for selling lady’s shirts to men Heather is now named Prickly Bush. (GG should have been charged for the naming before taking away the previous two.) Wet patch for coming across the sea and across other things and for believing the Lakeside HHH can sing. An immaculate conception charge to Punch for getting herself pregnant. She had her finger in it. Pointy for turning into a pensioner yesterday. That’s still 65 in this country. A Mummies boy joke encouraged GG to a third joke … I stop listening from this point. GG for ending up in hospital after his 1000 run last week. Silent Knight and Nicklebee were charged for shorts. SOAS for being a month from fatherhood. Notices: Fullmoom is this Sunday; the bike hash winery in Whittfield this weekend. Footy tipping is happening again People yelled for the Hawks to win the flag – the highlight of the night Next week’s run … The directions were long and convoluted and it will be easier for me if you check the website than to write them here. Lakeside song – ON ON
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