Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Pauline “It Wasn’t Me” Middelveld Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Simon “Lubang Oz” Wreford Grog Master: John “Klingon” Perkins Checking Chicken: David “Udder Idjit” Cheeseman Sgt@Arms: Barry “GG” Kerr; Soc Sec: Linda “Cyclone Tracy” Anderson-Berry On Sec: Andrew “Shitoffashovel” Middleton Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg and Bacon Pie” Gierck Hare Raiser: Nick “Nickle B” Leicester Hash Flash: Mark “Ambidexterous Hand Job” Kalic Web Master: Stuart “Flem” Smith
Run 1548, 1 May 2013 Hare: Klingon Venue: Elm’s Family Hotel/b>
Klingon stepped up to the mark to lay a run at short notice as Astro was unwell. However, it seemed most club members/visitors did not. Did they not know of the change of venue? (no one turned up at Astros house), did they not know an alternate run was arranged? Whatever the reason – we only had 3 runners and a couple of walkers turn up- 8 in total plus Nor me and Flem who was DNR ( a few were away in Brisbane , preparing for Nash Hash- but yours truly was going to Brisbane and I made it to Klingon’s run). A shame, when the pub, a regular spot for us, opened their kitchen just for us.
As usual, Nor me and I were late so we did our own walk round town. Out of the 3 runners, 2 did not seem to know where to go and left Mummies boy, who did his calf.
Addon gave the run report and a glowing score of 27/33 and claimed it ‘’the best city run I’ve done” (did her dad pay her to say that?). It was called a cunning run and ‘tricky’ (went in and out a lot) claimed Punch.
Charges – there was some prattle I did not follow so I got Mummies boy to translate- here is his version
The intellectual contributions to the Trash emanating from the small but select pack at Run 1549 included Kok-Up noting that trace elements incorporated from the soil in human bone could be used to determine human residency patterns, with Punch adding that isotopic ratio of Strontium -90 was useful in this regard. Kling-On noted the destabilising effect on human understanding of the theory idea of an infinite array of multiverses, and Mummies’ Boy suggested that the clue to the puzzle of quantum entanglement might lie in the micro-second period of inflation just after the Big Bang.
Other charges- Punch and Kok up – returnees
Mummies boy – raising the intellectual profile of hash
Kok up – something about strontium
Punch – query the importance of strontium 90
Kok up –for putting graffiti on the wall in the lane way (where there was already heaps of graffiti)
Low profile – Prince, Point post, Flem and IWM- half the pack
(E&OE – written up today from notes on the back of a beer mat- forgive me)
It wasn’t me (in lieu of a scribe)
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