Run 1991 – Royal Peninsula Hash AGM

Run Report:Run-1990-Report.pdf Photo Montage:Run-1990-Pythagorarse-from-Heatherton.pdf
HARES: Blood Sucka & Mutha Trucka LOCATION: Montague Park, Frankston RUN REPORT It was looking like the long trip to Frankston may have deterred a few hashers. The run did not start until 6:40pm, but several turned up just after…
A lovely group of Lakesiders (and two visitor/virgins/newcomers) joined in for some fun at Inverloch on Saturday 20th February to celebrate Bollywood’s birthday. Botak Chin set the run through the suburb of Inverloch, winding around the streets, up the hill, and…
Run Report: Run 1984 Scribe Report Photos: Run 1984 Photo Montage
Run Report: LSH3 1983 – NickelB from Frog Hollow Photos: NickelB-from-Frog-Hollow