Run 898 Report

LAKESIDE HASH-HOUSE HARRIERS COMMITTEE 2003 – 2004“ Operation Treadmill” Grand Mattress (friend of Richard Gere)Gerbils (Cathy Devries) 0425-726596 Sergeant-at-Arms Too Dumb To Die (Ian Morgan): 0439-944945 Hash Kash Lotsafun (Lai Fun) 9815-2363 Very Very Occasional ScribeIBM (Martin Evans) 9626-6428 Social…

Run 891 Report

LAKESIDE HASH HOUSE HARIERS HASH TRASH Run 891: September 5, 2001 Windsor Castle Hotel, Windsor Hare: Kakadu Dax_______________________________________   Dags, G-String and Astro were notable returnees this week, Astro all the way back from a stint on the Dark Continent…