Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Run 1040, 26 May 2004 Hare: Clitus & Gumboot Venue: Exit Inn, Hall Street, Newport
It was the good ship Hesperus that sailed the wintry sea. The Captains name was Clitus and his first mate was Gumboot. (Now that doesnt rhyme which doesnt matter cos it wasnt meant to and whilst youre being pedantic Gumboot might not have been Clituss first mate either but shes his current mate so belt up and read on.) As you know the Hesperus was off course and wrecked which explains why Lakeside Hash finished up in Newport instead of its normal surroundings. It also explains why a number of regulars werent present which for the purpose of this story assumes they were presumed drowned trying to swim to shore. (But dont worry, they will be found, resuscitated and reappear at a future run) Now Clitus and Gumboot were virgins (Hares that is) and were blessed by weather threatening to do to the pack what it did to the ship. As I emerged from my car a clap of thunder pealed across the area and rain threatened so I will digress. The bloody pub was surrounded by one way streets that made parking near the pub a bit difficult so I parked in a two hour zone comforted by the knowledge that my disabled parking permit allowed me double that time and walked to the pub. Lo and behold there on the corner was a check and at the next corner was an arrow leading away from the check, presumably being a loop. So far so good. At the pub the pack assembled and dispersed with your scribe soon leading at walking pace due to my earlier good fortune. Trail was well marked, well for the first part of the run which soon had us in parkland where trail was lost for a while, Fortunately for the walkers Sooty had the map and we were soon off again whilst what the rest of the pack were doing I havent a clue. Back at the pub some rubgy team were being thrashed on the big screen behind the hashers who were lining up for their beers and meals. The circle was delayed whilst Gumboot waited for her meal and GG finished off the umpteenth course of his pensioners $10.00 special meal. They must have thought he looked underfed. Mummies Boy described the run as $10 million views in virgin territory indicating that he had been on a different run to the rest of us. He gave it 9.6/10 as the second best run of the year after his own run. (Get your hand off it MB.) Charges flowed to GG for his pensioners meal, Nickelby and Fartlap (Visitor). Nickelby and Lotsa Fun received their 100 run trophies on which the GM had got the date wrong for Losta Fun but who cares. The GM certainly doesnt but drank with them for her error.. Bovine Breeder failed to name all chargees and was invited to join them. More charges to Mothball 190 runs, Barter Bitch 400 something, Fartlap again Sooty, Whippet and Cheesecake for an excellent Checking Chicken job or lack of it. Maybe it was each. Run Charges to Mothball for leadership and GM potential when trail was lost (Note that for those who missed it Mothball for GM although Bent wont be happy.) Clitus and Gumboot for chalk economy. Fartlap being being sullied by reputation, Stuck On for shortcutting, Bovine Breeder for corrupting Alice with a Magpie hat, Clingon for Alice having new shoes, Boomerang for riding his bike across the waves to Newport and doing the run without a whinge. (He was just too tired.) Whippet for a false Mobile phone charge, Lethal for the sale of Mt Hotham and Falls Creek Ski Resorts to a Queensland Superannnuation Fund. (Hed recommend that you get your money out of that one but hes not allowed to give financial advice now.) Finally Cling On was charged for failing to convince GG that Collingwood would win but it rebounded to GG as he failed to pick his own team to win anyway. With charges declining to that level RIP was called and its on the Chooks 1000th at D&E in Camberwell next week.
Scribe: Lethal