Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Ex-Grand Master: The Boomerang Religious Advisor: SBD Hash Cash: Underfelt Grog Master: Janus Soc Sec: Miss Piggy On Sec: The Shah Hash Haberdash: Shagadelic Hare Raiser: Kokup Hash Flash: Bovine Breeder Web Master: Klingon
Run 1081, 23 Feb 2005 Hare: Janus Venue: Brighton Beach Gardens, The Esplanade, Brighton
Runners got together in Brighton Beach, a perfect and stunning location with giant killing mosquitoes. Jidy had her second run and Toolman from Canberra, Cunning Linguist visited us.
Pack started from the beach, found its way over the rail line through Brighton. After number of check points crew guided back toward the beach again and passed world known Brighton Beach changing room in the sunset. Fish BBQ was served for dinner and pack prepared for the circle.
Quasimodo described the run as the best run without the drink stop.
Charges: Mouthbal (222), Clitus (44) and GG (600) had significant runs and got down down each. Mouthbal refused to put off his new shoes and SBD ran with us after a long absence. Twisted Sister is heading back to America and got a down down. Shah collected more money in Red Dress Run and was charged. IBM finished the circle by giving a down down to each individual runner for a reason!
Weekend away to celebrate 21’th birthday of Lakeside Hash, May 7’th, Marysville.
Upcoming Events Next Full Moon run is Run No. 60, 20 March 2005, Hares, Morals and Firecracker, Location: Le Page Homestead Mel 183 J7 NashHash Easter 2005 .
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page