Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Relig. Advisor: Yolanda “Screw Top” Shaw Hash Cash: Mirian “Tiger Moth” Cruz Grog Master: Mark “Whippet ” Willetts Checking Chicken: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Sgt@Arms: David “Mothball” De Freitas Soc Sec: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Gierke On Sec: Reza “The Shah” Gharavi Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Hare Raiser: Phillip “Prince” Johnson Hash Flash: Anyone? Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1196, 07 March 2007 Hare: Barterbitch Venue: Grill’d restaurant, 83 Acland St. St Kilda
Young Shah emailed the GM and said he wouldn’t be coming to Barterbitch’s run (probably Cooch kept him late at work again) and could the GM organise a scribe. The GM remembered this when everyone had gone home, so the GM has had to use memory recall, so if you were at the run and this run report looks like a different run don’t be surprised.
25 of us hamburgered our way into Grill’d for Barterbitch’s 21st hash anniversary. Upon arrival we were given a BB 21st synopsis and later we all got a handy engraved giveaway bottle opener. We had two visitors from Hobart plus Steph, Susie.
Some returnees were Barterbitch, Highly Infectious, Quasimodo, Bovine Breeder, Boxy.
Significant runs were E&B x 250, Chiko x 262, Susie x 2, ?? on 202. The most significant run of all was Barterbitch clocking up 21 years.
Highly Infectious didn’t stay long saying he needs to get fit before he can run hash. He should be ready by 2009.
As I ran the streets of St Kilda, I thought ‘there are echoes of a recent Klingon trail here’. After talking to Klingon I discovered the echoes were the size of a Mack 10 tonne truck – she’d only used the same trail 3 times in the one week – Melbourne Mens and Western Suburbs having got to it first.
Klingon and offsider Chicko joined the run late, since it conveniently went past their front door. Wouldn’t it be an interesting hash run which went past all our front doors?
The hamburgers were extremely yummy and conveniently co-located with at least 3 mega cake shops.
Here are the charges which I remember — apologies re the ones I’ve forgotten. * Prince described the run with some pithy criticisms giving it 23 out of 53. * Lethal was caught exiting a shop selling marital aids — a bit sad that he’s needing them this early. * Barterbitch got some constructive feedback about using pedestrian lights to move a pack across busy roads. When will she learn? * Cheesecake charged for being a mother hen. Attila the Hen more like. * Attendees at Nash Hash – E&B, Colours, Whippett, Cooch, Klingon, Boxy. * Stuart charged because he deserved to be. * IBM charged Barterbitch for telling porkies in her synopsis.
The raffle was drawn and we all went home, although E&B coyly left her house/car keys at Grill’d – she obviously wanted to meet up again with the hunky young waiter. Stuart and Pauline saw through this ruse and made sure she got her keys back and the waiter was safe.
Scribe: Cheeseacke
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in several colours; collar is denim. $30. ‘How to order’ details to follow from E’n’B.
Upcoming Events
Next Full Moon run: Run No 83 at 4 p.m on 4 March 2007. Hares: At 4pm 4 March 2007 Hares Phil (Morals) and Annie(Firecracker) Vertue
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page