Run 1236 Report

Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem


Grand Master:   Phillip “Prince” Johnson Relig. Advisor: David “Point Post” Shearn Hash Cash:  Mirian “Tiger Moth” Cruz Grog Master: David “Mothball” De Freitas Checking Chicken: Lai “Lotsa Fun” Leicester Sgt@Arms:  Nick “NickleB” Leicester  & Phillip “Mummies Boy” Edwards Soc Sec:  Dana “Dangerous” Clementz On Sec:  Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly  Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Hare Raiser: “The Shah”, “Flem “& “It Wasn’ Me” Hash Flash: Eva “Codpiece” Cox Web Master:  John “Klingon” Perkins

Run 1236, 28 November 2007 Hare: E & B Pie Venue: Cooch’s Palace, 115 Buckingham Street, Richmond.

From Richmond, we had a lovely run across the river and through the streets of Kew. Several of us lost trail, but your more serious runners like Cooch and Prince stayed on trail and made it to Far Kew. After a liquidless drink stop in Hawthorn listening to the strains of a constipated bagpipe, we gently loped home along the Yarra for the ultimate in ethnic muck.

I’ve never seen E&B’s pussy and E&B’s bagpipes together at the same time in the same place. To test that a cat is a bagpipe with legs, I grabbed my cat, put her under my arm and squeezed really hard. Sure enough, out came a cranky version of  “Scotland the Brave”.

We had the ceremonial walking of the haggis from the kitchen to the garage accompanied by bagpipes and whisky. And the ceremonial reading of that incomprehensible Scottish poem thingy by E&B.

If you’ve never seen haggis before the following might help. My pussy, Min has a set morning routine. She runs outside, bashes the cat next door, eats some grass, eats some breakfast (usually Whiskas venison/turkey or salmon/chicken). She then lets it settle, goes over to the driveway, has a couple of little heaves and up comes the Whiskas, grass and a furball. Imagine this multi-textured, regurgitated mess – that is what haggis looks like. And the good part – sometimes Min re-eats the Whiskas. Haggis tastes heaps better than Whiskas, because I’ve never thrown up after eating it. It’s good enough to have seconds even. E&B didn’t get a food score but she should have got 10/10 cos there was plenty and it was delish.

E&B awarded 28/46 for run which had backwards arrows and walkers crossing runners.

NicklBy started the circle by reading an extract from ‘The Economist’ about some Spanish research which shows that drinking beer rather than water immediately after exercise helps to kill off weak brain cells and leaves more room for the strong brain cells. While sharing this wisdom, he kept looking at Cooch the whole time. How does the beer know which cells to go for? When did the Spanish last win international acclaim in football/cricket/Olympics/swimming/darts/skiing? Moral – stick to water.

Returnees/Visitors Dumbastard, Andrew, 2 Bottoms, HIF.

Special Runs Udder x 414 Cooch x 303 Prince x 242 Chicko x 222.

Charges *Mothball for grizzling about the run. (Standing agenda item) *E&B for setting a plumming run and for setting run with arrows facing backwards. *Barterbitch for not liking plums. *Dumbastard for getting lost and then finding the Mountain Goat Brewery and calming his abandonement fears with a pale ale. *Senator Klingon for getting 1000 votes, his mother and 999 friends. *Flem, It Wasn’t Me and Udder for voting for Senator Klingon. *Cooch for being pussy whipped, E&B for doing the pussy whipping and Barter for telling everyone about it. *Cheesecake – wardrobe charge for not wearing hash gear. *Andrew for only turning up to run on ‘his’ day. *LotsaFun for running with no tonsils. *Pointy for calling her Lotsa, Lotsa, Lotsa Fun now that she has a deeper throat. *GG for being witty. *Craven for not inviting Alisdair.    

Scribe: Cheesecake  


New LSH3 rugby top for sale!  Available in several colours; collar is denim.  $30.  ‘How to order’ details to follow from ‘E’n’B.

Upcoming Events

Next Full Moon run: Run No. 94, at 5pm 16 December 2007. Hares: Morals & Woody. Location: Murrindindi State Forest, at the Bull Creek camp ground accessed  from Murrindindi Road.

Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page

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