Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Stewart “Flem ” Smith Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Grog Master: David “Mothball” De Freitas Checking Chicken: Lai “Lotsa Fun” Leicester Sgt@Arms: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Soc Sec: On Sec: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Hash Haberdash: Eva “Codpiece” Hookey Hare Raiser: Rowan “Cooch” Compagnoni Hash Flash: Eva “Codpiece” Cox Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1345, 21 Oct 2009 Hare: Old Boar Venue: Royal Mail Hotel, Spencer St West Melb
About the run Cooch reckoned Old Boar laid a fantastic run and we all agree with him. Who knew that North Melb could be interesting? Old Boar kept the pack together with lots of checks, there was heaps of greenery with a bit of bush bashing, rolling green grass, rolling hills and rolling stock where we ran up the middle of the no. 53 tram line to the Zoo. We went thru Royal Park wherefrom Burke and Wills took off in 1865 on their way to starving to death in the desert. Fortunately we had the eagle eyed Prince to spot edible roadkill – that tiny stuffed wombat was looking yummy by 8pm. Thumbs up to Royal Mail Hotel. As well as serving up our national fauna and other roadkills, they shouted us free jugs for the down downs. Their staff were friendly too. Charges
Old Boar for setting an on=back off a check. Cyclone for being a returnee from Trieste where she went on a working holiday. Prince for finding the roadkill wombat and getting a nice winey prize. Stephanie for finally getting named Big Bang – it’s to do with physics not gymnastics. Prince for being hot. E&B for sending an email tsunami. Mothball for eating buffalypsoes – sausages which are a combo of cow and buffalo. Incredibly Gobby Tart 2 for sending too many emails. Klingon on a rebound for forgetting that the hash world keeps turening even when he doesn’t turn up for a week. Cut Loose for confusng Mothball with Tigermoth. Prince for dummy spitting. 2 Bottoms for something. I wasn’t paying attention and missed it. I could include pretty much anything cos I don’t think anyone reads these reports. 2 Bottoms for rooting his cousin’s brother’s sister-in-law’s maiden aunt when he was 15 and just starting out. Bovine Breeder. Another one I missed. As a Reserve Army major, he is forming a junta and will shortly lead a coup to overthrow Flem, who will be under house arrest for life or untill he finishes building upstairs, whichever is the sooner. As that famous Murdoch British quality tabloid newspaper headline said in the 1980s Falklands War when Margaret Thatcher’s navy routed the Argentinian ship General Belgrano “Up Your Junta!” IGT2 for telling Mothball about plaintains, those banana things that I don’t know how to spell. Mothball, Pointy, Whack, Astro for creating primary production tax losses by growing stuff on their faces for Movember. You You and Big Bang for thinking they were on a bike hash. Cyclone for being a geographer. Cut Loose and Colours for drinking from 530pm after they clocked off from sleeping all arvo at their public service jobs. NickelB for charging incompetence. Cheesecake for doing the extra 800 metres that she missed doing on the Melb Marathon 9.2 km fun run AKA the Melb Marathon 10 kim fun run. IGT2 and E&B cos E&B is still in her 1st marriage. Lotsa for sitting in the circle.
Scribe: Cheesecake
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black $30.
Upcoming Events
Next Full Moon runs: Run No. 112 at 3pm. 14 June 2009. Hares: NickleB & Father Location: – Merrimu Long Forest Reserve, Melways 329 C10 – Canopus Circuit
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page