Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Stewart “Flem ” Smith Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Grog Master: David “Mothball” De Freitas Checking Chicken: Lai “Lotsa Fun” Leicester Sgt@Arms: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Soc Sec: On Sec: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Hash Haberdash: Eva “Codpiece” Hookey Hare Raiser: Rowan “Cooch” Compagnoni Hash Flash: Eva “Codpiece” Cox Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1348, 28 Oct 2009 Hare: The Big Bang & Bovine Breeder Venue: Swan Picnic Area, Albert Park
A run from our ancestral home, or, for some who were fit and obedient and believe in following trail, a run around our ancestral home. Don’t remember much about the run but the food was absolutely delicious – a contender for best food of the year should we be giving out awards at the AGM, Flem. 3 different Thai curries, prawn crackers, enough satay suace to swim in, chilli. Given that the food was so fantastic, the grizzlers had to find fault elsewhere – there were only 2 checks and too many checkbacks. It was a longish run thru Albert and Middle Park with a stretch along the beach. Hares were awarded 87/89 being 85 for the food and 2 for the run. The most fun of the evening was thinking up, and sharing with, Big Bang, sprained/broken ankle related jokes which she must have really enjoyed hearing over and over and over. Big Bang left the BallsUp in a fairly tired and emotional state and fell down the stairs as she exited the Richmond Bowling Club. Fortunately red wine contains a chemical pain inhibitor, so she kicked on, so to speak, at another party till 5am. Wasn’t till the next day she realised she had a broken ankle. Doc prescribed daily dose -1 litre of shiraz to inhibit that pain. Significant runs Codpiece x 99 Holy Shit x 22 Charges Holy SHit and Cheesecake for checking out the real estate Cyclone for forgetting the camera There was a charge involving Prince who’s been buying Diet Ginger Beer for the last year and Cyclone, Flem, Bovine, Holy Shit who’ve all been drinking it for the last year – either he’s cancelled cos he thought no-one’s been drinking it, or the charge was about them requiriing the diet variety, all of them being so unfit and all. Big Bang for getting her priorities right by falling A over T at Balls Up, getting a brocken ankle, but protecting her red wine all the while. Nickelby for running like Cliff Young (who is in heaven and doesn’t have to run) Cooch and Prince for being the only ones to finish the BallsUp recovery run Lotsa for alleging that Prince had a corked thigh injury because he fell off his high heels at the BallsUp CutLoose for running down her own street past her own house and not recognising it Old Boar for short cutting bastardry and for being the only one to do the on-back to the end of the pier (everyone else has a uni degree so guessed correctly re on-back) Cheesecake for being led astray by Old Boar Cooch – no. 4 to no. 2 (I’ve got no idea either) GG and Nickelby for being visiting GMs IGT2 for her amazing BallsUp outfit.
Scribe: Cheesecake
From Bovine:
The Heartland Run
The run was shorter than Run 1347 only because Bovine may have felt a little guilty about the run he set 3 days before through Burnley, Richmond and the POSH SUBURB OF TOORAK. (yes I said TOORAK).
As a change from custom, Bovine only set the run but did not run with the pack. The run started at the Swan Picnic Area at Albert Park Lake. (yes GG rang me after the pack have left to find out where the runners are.) The run meandered around South Melbourne into Albert Park. There was some beach running involved along Port Phillip Bay to watch the kite surfers, yachts, ships, and the birds. (and some of them had wings and feathers.)
The run was a quick one and the pack returned within an hour.
The feast provided by Bing Bang! and Bovine Breeder was a feast from Thailand (aka “She’s Thai Café” on Sommerville Road in Kingsville – a very hash friendly restaurant) Starters were Prawn Crackers with a peanut dipping sauce. The main course was a Thai Green Curry Chicken with a special treat for the Collingwood Supporters of an additional stirfry of a Num Prik Pow Beef – a sweet chilli paste. There was enough food for about 50 people. So everyone had seconds and thirds but there was still 1 x large pot left over of Green Curry.
A table was set for the winners of the Balls Up Best Table Cloth. Good red wine was drunk and shared between Bovine, Big Bang, Wack!, Crack Up , and Holy Sh#t.
Charges were had for the usual suspects including the hares, one of the hares for falling over and hurting her ankle to get out of setting a run, another for a hare for deliberately pushing over the other hare so that he could set the run, Cutloose for running past her place and then asking later if the run went past her place. Yep, it really happened…. Cooch for turning up late and doing a lap around The Lake.
Scribus Ancilious – Bovine Breeder
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black $30.
Upcoming Events
Next Full Moon runs: Run No. 112 at 3pm. 14 June 2009. Hares: NickleB & Father Location: – Merrimu Long Forest Reserve, Melways 329 C10 – Canopus Circuit
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page