Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Stewart “Flem ” Smith Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Grog Master: David “Mothball” De Freitas Checking Chicken: Lai “Lotsa Fun” Leicester Sgt@Arms: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Soc Sec: On Sec: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Hash Haberdash: Eva “Codpiece” Hookey Hare Raiser: Rowan “Cooch” Compagnoni Hash Flash: Eva “Codpiece” Cox Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1356, 16 Dec 2009 Hare: D & E Venue: Templestowe RSL, 156 Parker Street, Templestowe
Summation Run – 6.85 / 10 (too hot and too long) Food – 10/10 Circle – 10/10
It was a hot one. The thermometer peaked at 40 degrees or at 104 for you more mature aged youngsters. But the occasion was grand and hashers from far and wide turned up for Kanza’s 1000th run. Yes, after only 23 years, this sheep loving kiwi fruit import to Australia had finally run his 1000th run. A massive pack turned up. There were Royal Peninsula Mens and Ladies, Melbourne Mens, Melbourne Ladies (Tarts), Western Suburbs, and even the GM from Geelong H3 turned up, but more about her later.
Unfortunately, the Lakeside Hashers seemed to find the 30 minute drive too daunting and the representation was disappointing. In attendance to fly the flag for Lakeside was the Lakeside Pizza Munching Stalwart – Point Post, the other Lakeside Sheep Dominator – Sooty, the Silent but extremely deadly – Twisted Sister, the Crazy XRay/Death Ray Weapon Toting Physicist – Big Bang, and yours truly. Where was GG? Who knows but GG was not there. Nor was the book and the rest of the Hash.
The trail was set by the aptly named Motor-Mouth who described it as being between “medium to long”. I don’t know about that but the run was certainly medium to long. Boom Boom!
I remember a run that ran past some lovely restaurants, climbing over the fence and through someones back garden (hashers go everywhere!). We followed a trail that showcased the beauty and wealth of Templestowe. There were many mansions and the Western Suburbs runners made a comment that “half these houses are bigger than friggin Footscray Council Offices”. Come to think of it, anyone of those rooms is larger than our place. We went past this amazing outdoor remote control race track. They obviously do things bigger in Templestowe. Maybe this could be the new Texas of Australia?
The feed was great and the circle was one of the better ones that I have attended in hashing. For $15 we got roast beef and pork with this amazing crackling. A multitude of salads and bread rolls and there was heaps of food left over. Drinks were cheap being at RSL prices. The circle was really good fun. It was short sharp and very very funny with a number of really good jokes told. Announcements were made for future runs and other hashes.
For you Lakeside Men, you really missed out. In order to gain the attention of the crowd and make an announcement for Geelong’s Special Run next Monday, the Geelong Grand Mistress – Insatiable, acceded to the requests from the crowd to “show us your t#ts!” which she did….. Twice.
Someone else then said something and Insatiable then started undoing the belt on her shorts and her buttons, and then…… she lost her balance and fell from her lofty perch. Shaken, Insatiable recovered enough to regain her stand, with belt undone, to quickly make the announcement for Geelong’s run on Monday. The magical moment had passed. Needless to say, all 150 hashers were deathly silent during this whole event. Or did we men simply not hear or see anything else?
Overall the night was a great one. Definitely one of the better ones and hopefully some of this enthusiasm and merriment will rub onto our beloved Lakeside Hash.
On On, Bovine Breeder
Scribe: Bovine
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black $30.
Upcoming Events
Next Full Moon runs: Run No. 112 at 3pm. 14 June 2009. Hares: NickleB & Father Location: – Merrimu Long Forest Reserve, Melways 329 C10 – Canopus Circuit
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page