Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Stuart “Flem ” Smith Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Grog Master: David “Mothball” De Freitas Checking Chicken: Lai “Lotsa Fun” Leicester Sgt@Arms: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Soc Sec: On Sec: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Hash Haberdash: Eva “Codpiece” Hookey Hare Raiser: Rowan “Cooch” Compagnoni Hash Flash: Eva “Codpiece” Cox Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1378, 19 May 2010 Hare: Sooty Venue: Royal Oak Hotel Nicholson St Fitzroy
The meeting was chaired by our GM & Great mentor Flem. Cling-on in charge of Charge glasses in the absence of Prince.
Run hare: Sooty (a poor excuse for a kiwi)
We traveled back in time to a neighborhood known as Fitzroy North.
Starting at the Royal Oak Hotel, This run course took up along most of the same run the hare had set only the day before.
The run took in the back streets around North Fitzroy & Clifton Hill, cutting a path through the Edinburgh Gardens. A very nice Drink stop was provided by the hare, ably assisted by Twisted Sister. A score for the run was 235 ½ out of a possible 250 (strangely the same figure as the hares run total).
Virgin runners were the first to be called forth. Gareth, Jen & Brian (1st timers and very welcome) Also to suffer the wrath of the Hash House was Lick_N_stick, (the fool wore new shoes). I still believe the Twisted sister should have been charged (FOR NOT GIVING ME A HEADS UP)
Milestones Crack-Up 25 Sooty 250 Point Post 700
Charges from the run Sooty Comment: Just under the stairs with the other bags. Crack-Up, Whack & Philty all charged
Charges from the floor Flem Missed long term returns, Pregnant—–Pause & Mr Bean Cling-on Forgot Crack-Up’s name (could always try reading the shirt)
Flem again was called, Some how he missed that Crack-Up was a female ??????? E & B For her new Diet (more Booze) Philthy 10 Runs Couch for some Unknown reason sent the same E-mail 3 times in as many minutes
Late comers GG & Cyclone Tracey & Lick_N_Stick (no hash gear)
Meeting closed at 9:40pm
Scribe: Lick & Stick
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black $30.
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