Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Stefanie “Big Bang” Elbracht Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Simon “Lubang Oz” Wreford Grog Master: Checking Chicken: David “Udder Idjit” Cheeseman Sgt@Arms: Alan “Tripod” Skinner Soc Sec: Linda “Cyclone Tracy” Anderson-Berry On Sec: Andrew “Bovine Breeder” Leong Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Gierke Hare Raiser: Graham “Sooty” Lloyd Hash Flash: David “Point Post” Shearn Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1434, 05 May 2011 Hare: Melbourne Ladies HHH AGM Venue: East Malvern RSL, Stanley Grose Drive, East Malvern
Lakeside H3 was lucky enough to have two “official” runs last week – one on the normal Wednesday which was sprung upon us as a short notice-surprise by the hair raiser, Sooty, and the other which had previously been made the “official” run, the Melbourne Ladies’ AGM.
The venue was the East Malvern RSL, just down the road from the Moths and easily recognisable to Lakesiders as the venue for Cheesecake’s retirement/birthday run an unmentionable number of years ago. On registration, we were issued with a Harriettes own logo’d special bottle of red plonk which we only hope is going to be better than some other plonk that was issued a few years ago for another good fun friendly AGM.
Three Lakesiders were among 93 hashers from local chapters, running around the darkness of Glen Iris streets and bike paths and playing fields. A drink stop with a choice of pink bubbles or beer was held conveniently only 200 mtrs from the RSL which meant the tight fisted could get their fill there and not bother buying an extra at the club. There was fun and frivolity until the food came – either fish n chips, roast beef or parma and then the circle began by which time Lakesiders numbered only 2.
Visiting GMs were given a drink. What could we do. Someone out of the two of us needed to represent LSH3 and only one of us was on the committee. So some sweet pink stuff was consumed with gusto. Customary tributes were made to the little Scottish outgoing GM and customary down downs for her committee. Eventually the new GM was! announced and Anabolic was customarily adorned in feaux leopard skin – all over. Hmmm the mind boggles. You had to be there.
Announcements included (please add these to your social calendars):
· Balls Up – Sat 22 October – Melbourne Ladies Hash Presents the 2011 Deb Ballsup at Royal South Yarra Lawn Tennis Club
· Royal Peninsular H3 AGM – Tuesday 10 May, Samuel Sherlock Reserve, Cranbourne Rd, near Frankston VIC
· Black Tulip’s 1000th Run – 2nd June at Seaford Hotel
· Western Suburbs 1600th Run – Sat 28 May at YMCA Phillip Island Coastal Discovery Camp
And then there was one so I can’t tell you anything more.
On On – Egg & Bacon Pie
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black $30.
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