Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Shitoffashovel Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Simon “Lubang Oz” Wreford Grog Master: Checking Chicken: David “Udder Idjit” Cheeseman Sgt@Arms: “General” Soc Sec: Linda “Cyclone Tracy” Anderson-Berry On Sec: Ian “Astro” Manning Hash Haberdash: Andrew “Bovine Breeder” Leong Hare Raiser: Philip “Prince” Johnston Hash Flash: David “Point Post” Shearn Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1455, 21 Sep 2011 Hare: Udder & Gargoyle Venue: Shelter at Hampton Beach over the road from Small St Hampton
Gargoyle’s 50th Birthday Run
20 runners assembled at a spacious and refurbished shelter shed at Hampton Beach. A Bayside run to celebrate the end of winter, Gargoyles 50th birthday and the return of GG after a period of incarceration in hospital.
There was much consternation before the run as Flem, the grog master, was reportedly missing in action with the flu and a dry bucket was the most likely outcome. Hash Rule #1 states in part, that the pack will not set forth until beer has first been sighted. Although the beer was not immediately present, Udder saved his run by volunteering to find a local bottle shop in case Flem was a no show. Not to worry – Flem was only stuck in traffic.
The run started down a beachside track towards Brighton, but runners were immediately foiled by an on back that headed up Beach Road. Udder used his Full Moon secret signs designed to confuse the pack for 10 minutes as the run was supposed to continue down the beachside track. After a pleasant 1km stroll, the run crossed over Beach Road, into Hampton, over the Sandringham train line, deeper and deeper into Hampton, alongside Thomas Street Reserve and further into the mulga. There were whispers that Cheesecake had prepared a surprise birthday celebration drink stop at her abode in Hampton. Most Hashers were lucky to eventually find the venue, but Gringa, Astro and Cut Loose were still fumbling their way round the trail hampered by minimal marks from the Checkin Chickins. The drink stop turned out to be a 20 minute celebration with a bucket full of traditional hash brew.
A 7.18km trail – well received by most. E&B later scored the run at 75/100, notwithstanding the fine cold meat and salad tucker, together with Gargoyle’s famous spinach dip. Hard to please that gal.
The Circle The circle started at 9.15pm which was a modern day late starting record. SOAS was in good spirits and did not make much sense as usual. Everyone was excited to see GG back after his recent loss of a body part at the Frankston Hospital. He assured us that it was not his brain that was donated to at least 200 Frankston residents but something that causes him to “sit down to piss because he has 6 weeks of no heavy lifting.” – You figure it out.
Down Downs Doctor Boner, Astro and Cut Loose – returnees Just Kim – a new runner with a strange accent SOAS – unaware that Cheesecake was on the run SOAS, Udder, GG and Astro – footy tipping winners Gargoyle – birthday girl for lying about her real age E&B – also a birthday girl and not lying about her age Klingon – getting his angles wrong by calling “straight up to the left” E&B – baby sitting Cooch’s Mum and missing out on her private time (what does she do during that time?) Dr Boner – brought along his friend Mike who started the run and never came back. Has anyone seen Mike? Pointy – there was one drink left
On On: Anon
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black $30.
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