Run 1590 Report

Run 1590
Date: 15-Jan-14
Hare: Cyclone Tracy
Location: Elephant & Wheelbarrow Hotel, 169 Fitzroy St (Cnr Princes) St. Kilda

What a shocker! heat! Definitely not as hot as the 44 degree day earlier but plenty of overheating opportunity……

Returnees – Whopping Boy & Nashie

Hare – Cyclone Tracy

Run report –  down the beach, nice spot, parks, streets, quite a good run 🙂 I’d like to add & a few may agree it was definitely tricky in parts as ons were a long way from the previous check point therefore taking us a long way apart and doubting we were on track which required checking again but going much further. Not grumbling but pretty funny watching Cooch run a massive kilometre in the distance to find he had run a full circle & missed it on a different path early in the same direction.

The Hash joke – mmmmn very long & obviously not dirty enough for some. Yours truly missed the punch line & very distracted by the ongoing commentary throughout!

Special Runs

Prickly Bush YEAH the big 50, Chrome Dome 50 (Racy Tracy to stand in for her), Deeper 444, Pointy 844, Lots of Fun 515, Gringa 66, Tricky Dicky 22.


Punch for receiving the wrong Hamburger & talking to Luboil during the circle.

Racy Tracy & No Balls for not using their hash names when ordering dinner.

Punch AGAIN for private conversation in the circle.

Couch as expected for missing the trail on his separate expedition.


GG on run 1034 the Road Kill charge as 1034 is the call sign for reducing the road toll, so they say!

Another expected charge, Cyclone for checks that were too far away.

Cooch haha for going through the hard rubbish charge.

Then GG for actually collecting a pole from said hard rubbish.

Hah!! me (PB) for not checking under a rubbish bin for the missing arrow to tell us where to turn. Wish I was physic but I’m NOT!

Kokup for missing another arrow heading across the road, when we all saw it.

Lubang for run number ??

Deeper for missing Lubang’s run number whatever it was!

Tricky Dicky for dancing with a cyclist on the path.

Luboil for under the radar AND causing untold trouble conversing with Punch in the circle 🙂

Full Moon Run – this Sunday, Mt Macedon, Stanley Park.

Next weeks run CHANGED to Klingon’s in St Kilda.

Hash songgggggggggg…………….ONON………….

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