Date: 30/4/2014
Hares: Kokup/Punch
Location: Maori Chief Hotel, Cnr Moray & York St South Melbourne
Virgin runner – Thomo (Thommo?)
Racy Tracy gets a down down to keep him company.
Lethal, POG, Astro & Cutloose, Point Post.
Kokup & Punch.
Prince’s run report – Fancy having two very good runs in a row, ha ha. The pack stayed together, good on backs & checks. Lost the trail on home.
Very good run 28/30. Hey! Wasn’t that last weeks score?
Oh but for the late food -2:(
Hash Joke was a Yeah OK, bits of laughter mingled with the groans!
Special Runs
Punch 166, Udder 1926 ( ?? I think that was the year he was born!), Quick Lay & Shu Shu added together make a sucks oops six.
Cheesecake 490 but has done a runner therefore Deeper taking the down down for her.
No Balls has a feast of new Hash songs so was taken away by a new one.
Punch for thinking PB’s phone on her arm was a torch….
Klingon, yep got the Udder idjit award for running on a broken ankle!
Tricky & Prince for running into each other.
Kokup for not setting a home trail (absolutely nothing to do with us just not finding it) when we spent at least 10 secs trying to find it.
Prince, Cooch, Prickly Bush & Pog for over exertion :):) Cooch for passing Lethal at least 5 times…
T Dicky for trying to kill Drag-on in the middle of the road.
Astro & Klingon for being part of the Hash group that were asked to leave this pub 10 years ago.
Racy for looking after Lethal on the run.
Nickel B for the toilet humor joke tonight…….
Kokup for calling Swamp Rat, Peanuts!
Vic (unnamed returnee) earns the low profile award tonight 🙂 AND for being our baby awww Klingon, sorry I’ve forgotten this charge
Ladies AGM tomorrow – the handsome prince to represent Lakeside because out esteemed GM is going to the OPERA!!!
Royal Peninsula bike hash – Soon……………..
Occasional Bike Hash, the first day of Winter 1/6/14 Next Week Riversdale Pub, Hare – Nickel B
HASH SONG…………………………………On on………….