Run 1613 Report

Date: 18 June 2014

Hare: Prickly Bush

Location: New Bay Hotel, New St Briiiiighton

Once upon a time there was a hotel called the Devonshire Arms. It had faded floral 1950s carpet which stuck to your shoes; it had a TAB in the front bar where you could back a quaddie on the Dapto Dogs or Terang Trots and you got a counter tea of fish and chips or steak and chips or sausages and chips or pie and chips. It was the hang out of the Rebels OMCG. Every night the bikies would be in that old front bar in their tight slinky leathers which had Deeper coming again and again to set runs from there back in the 90s. And there were no women!!

Fast forward 20 years and the reinvented New Bay Hotel has gone all girlie with muted beige interiors, leather sofas, and black chandeliers. And wow! Hasn’t their menu gone all 21st century.

  • Free range organic brown wild duck breast and leg stuffed with hand-polished Israeli pearl couscous, surrounded by a sprinkling of sun-dried heirloom apple picked by naked virgins under a full moon, and crescendoed by kalamata olives
  • Slow-cooked tails surgically removed from happy oxen who spend their lives listening to Mozart, nestled on a Doona of home-made wholemeal chestnut gnocchi, napped by a jus studded with chunks of oven-roasted then smoked embryonic beetroot and ribbons of black cavelo nero that has travelled only 80 food miles to get here, on the back of the aforementioned now-tailless ox.

The run was longish and went by some prime real estate and down to the beach. We ran by some interesting old homes – The original home of the Boyd family of artists in Church St; Billilla an early historic homestead; and the birthplace of Percy Grainger at 305 New St. Grainger was the composer of the traditional English folk song “In an English Country Garden” which achieved fame as the theme of a TV ad for Edgell’s peas. Pity Mummies Boy wasn’t there, because Percy and his Mum used to self-flagellate together – a selection of Percy’s whips is preserved at Melbourne Uni’s Music Conservatorium. He was also reputed to be a racist and anti-semite. He had all his clothing made from colourful bath towel material.

Now that NickelB, the old GM has finished the shredding, the coast was clear for Cut Loose to take over, which she has done with a flurry of committee meetings. Udder, the new Sergeant made his mark on the circle, or at least, made his mark on Deeper who was suffering RDS (Relevance Deprivation Syndrome) now that he’s not the Sergeant any more. A bit of slapping down had to happen.


  • Visitors/Returnees: Gringa, Codpiece
  • Hare: Prickly Bush was awarded 25/30 for the run and 10/10 for the walk.
  • Cut loose charged for having 3 committee meetings in her first week
  • LuBangOz for taking the charges away without the Sergeant’s permission
  • Prickly for taking the runners past only 2 of Deeper’s old houses.
  • Codpiece for abandoning Old Boar.
  • Deeper charged for taking charges away without Sergeant’s permission.
  • Newbie Janene Nelson was renamed Whore-Hatio and was christened by the RA.
  • Udder the tightarse for forgetting to collect his free beer.
  • Udder for forgetting to give Vic a down down.
  • Vic for not wearing any hash gear.
  • E&B for victimising LubeOil.
  • Udder and Cheesecake for salivating over tax forms.
  • Deeper for losing walkers.
  • Prince for veering to the right.
  • Swamp Rat for following Udder and not the trail.
  • Udder for pretending to work hard when he was watching the World Cup.
  • GM for having 98% of her reign still to go.
  • NickelB, Lotsa, LubeOil and LuBangOz for doing a runner and not paying for dinner last Sunday.

Scribe: Cheesecake

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