So we were told the aim of the run was to see if Lakeside could outrun and outdrink the Uni students. Cock-Up made a valiant start to the challenge by setting a run that was not too long so those with ambition …SOAS, Two Bottoms… could race to the end. This was not be as Cock Up proceeded to live up to his name and leave extra demanding gaps between arrows and checks at main roads, nothing more guaranteed to slow down an ambitious FRB
The run twisted and turned through alley ways, cobbled road more alley ways….past Lygon St smelling at its Italian garlic laden best. On-Home was welcomed by all due to the promise of $15 steaks ,,, oh and beer.The circle was led in true Cooch fashion, shouting over the chaos to get attention and rushing as food was appearing on tables….
Daniel (not yet named) was coerced to present the run report and was on the whole too complimentary, “nice run good trail” despite the rather large gaps between arrows. Too many dark alleys though for this strong brave man….Score 585/681
Barbie’s Box was asked to describe the walk, despite the fact that she missed the start of it and had torun!! The walk details seemed to feature much lower in her memory than the inviting smells of food on Lygon Street though the alleyways did rate a mention. Score 680/681
Mother Trucker then commandeered the circle and in honour of ‘something’ demanded a rendition of the 1066 poem from Cod Piece who had an uncharacteristic moment of shyness (or was it that the food was ready?!) and after a good start deferred the full reading to another date – or the website
Quicklay SaddleSore, Shit of a Shovel, Matie Tradie (????)>
- E&B charged for collecting enormous pieces of free chalk
- GG for a disappearing act
- SOAS and Prickly for checking out chickens on Lygon St.
- Barbie’s Box and Sweaty Box for ‘co-joining’ their boxes.
- SOAS for artistic creations in the book.
- Barbie’s Box for running on the walk – and when one Box drinks Sweaty Box drinks too.
- Flora – for not saying anything at all
Special runs
- 222 – Toffee
- 151 – Codpiece