Run 1707 | 27th January 2016 | LubangOz & LubeOil @ Hawthorn

The Religious Advisor was asleep at the wheel because the heavens bucketed down on LuBangOz’s well laid Hawthorn trail until there was nary an arrow or flour blob left. Of course, we only have his word for it that he actually set a trail. Maybe what he really did was kick back on the sofa to watch TVs “Dr Phill” followed by a wonderfully judgemental-filled afternoon with “Judge Judy” then he rounded off the day with lashings of “The Bold and The Beautiful”.

The consequent trail-marking vacuum allowed runners and walkers creative artistic expression in their directional choices, free from the normal tyrannical limitations of arrows, checks and on-backs. Released from the artificial constraints imposed by the patterned elements of a hash run/walk, everyone did pretty much whatever they wanted, inasmuch as you can do anything much at all in Hawthorn. Maple Muff spent her time chatting to strangers, Astro went shopping for new home-office furniture at Ikea, Kokup went exploring in far-off suburbs – for once hashers gave personal shape to their perambulatory desires.

After everyone had finished finding themselves, we settled down to LubeOil’s magnificent rending accompanied by the best ever gado gado. I reckon we should have a “My Kitchen Rules” showdown at the AGM with all the fabulous Lakeside cooks. Start sharpening your knives and forks now.

Walk Report

Swingers – the walkers splintered early with Pointy tearing off on his fartleckie thing whereas Astro, who had a map, lost all the remaining walkers but did find Victoria Gardens and Ikea. 1702/1707.

Run Report

Maple Muff – lost most of the pack early on, then lost the rest of the pack, ran several extra kilometres, asked a stranger for directions, found the walkers and not the runners, went back and shot the stranger. Second week that Maple Muff has run many extra kilometres due to directional inadequacy.1699/1707

Food Report

Cut Loose – best rending and gado gado ever. 1852/1707

Returnees and Visitors

Handcrank, Eat Me WSH, Mummies Boy, LubeOil, Sweaty Box

Special Runs

LubeOil 252, Astro 464.


Guest Sergeant – Mummies Boy

  • Hares – LuBangOz and LubeOil
  • LuBangOz the bludger for not helping LubeOil maintain all the garden greenery.
  • Mothball on a fashion charge for looking like the original Dr Who.
  • Maple Muff, Sweaty Box and Prince for running slower than the walkers can walk.
  • Cooch and Sweaty for engaging in competitive running.
  • Cut Loose for being ba red faced Chinese lady.
  • Maple Muff for not being a red faced Chineses lady.
  • Maple Muff, Big Ears, Bondi, Prince, Swamp rat for being runners who didn’t follow trail.
  • Astro for not wearing new shoes.
  • Pointy for taking walkers to Victoria Gardens shopping centre.
  • GG for not detouring to a pub.
  • Kokup for getting lost 2 weeks in a row.

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