Run 954 Report

Lakeside Hash House Harriers

The drinking club with a running problem

Lakeside run on Wednesday nights starting at 6:30ish, usually within 10kms of the Melbourne CBD (Central Boozing District). Runs cost $2, the food costs $3 unless it is at a pub, and drinks cost $2. Visitors are always welcome – just show up and ask for a drink!


The Uncommitted

Grand Master

Mummies’ Boy (Phillip Edwards) Ph: 9479 1978

Sergeant @ Arms

Baa-baa-ra (Kevin Kitchingham) Ph: 0414 770 288

Hash Kash 

Stuck -On (Wendy Guo) Ph:9534 5495

Hash On-sex 

Too Dumb to Die (Ian Morgan) Ph: 0439 944 945

Social Sex 

Egg’n’ Bacon Pie (Lorraine Gierck) Ph: 9421 1134

Trail Master 

Cooch (Rowan Compagnoni) Ph: 9421 1134

Grog Master 

Janus (Hugh Watts) Ph:0419 698784

Religious advisor 

Cheesecake (Elizabeth Kelly) Ph: 9521 8038

Web Master 

The Boomerang (Jon Miller) Ph: 9523-1694

Hash Haberdashery 

Lotsa Fun (Lai Fun) Ph: 9815-2363

Hash Flash 

Shunt (Keith Ralph) Ph: 9570 4689

Hash Horn 

IBM (Martin Evans) Ph: 0401-147-796

Checkin’ Chicken 

Udder Idjit (David Cheeseman) Ph: 0414 716 382

LSH3 Email

Web Site

Hash Trash contact


Run 954 HAUNTED HALLOWEENIE HASH 30 October 2002

Venue: Flagstaff Gardens – Daylight and barbecue run.

Hare: TDTD

The Hash trail was a “follow the pumpkins” (that’s trail – not the fat bastards that run hash) around the Melbourne sites of murder, mayhem and ghoulish goings-on, with a set of clues in most cases pointing directly to the appropriate site, but in at least one case missing the right building by a few hundred yards! And a bit of confusion about Princesses and Princes (even though Prince was on the run). And so we visited :-

Flagstaff Gardens, Victoria Market, Old Melbourne Gaol, Former Police Garage, Princess Theatre, Princes Bridge (via the new Riverside Park & Federation Square), Flinders Street Station, Sebel Hotel, Mitre Tavern, Old Titles Office and an odd car park in Little Lonsdale Street.

Plugger gave a rundown of the trail and scored the run 144 out of 200.

Everyone got all the clues right, so the winner was pulled out of the hat. 1st. Plugger 2nd.Summer Intern.

Visitors were Melbourne Monk and Summer Intern, and The Boomerang returned from his trip to Tibet (or how to loose 20 kilos in one easy lesson).

The stand-in sergeant for the night was Shunt.

  • Special runs were Mothball – 140, Chico – 88, Mummies Boy – 178
  • Plugger charged Silent But Deadly for his NIKE vest
  • Melbourne Monk charged TDTD for his Prince confusion.
  • TDTD charged Shunt for being known round the city by two large rotund gentlemen from Townsville Hash.
  • Summer Intern charged Klingon for having a song on his T-shirt but still not knowing the words.
  • Barter Bitch charged Point Post for interrupting his cat screwing a possum in the lounge at 2 am.
  • TDTD charged The Boomerang for his Tibetan diet.
  • Melbourne Monk charged Klingon for short cutting.
  • Miss Piggy charged Mummies Boy for his poor archaeology.
  • Klingon charged Father for his genealogy.
  • Shunt called someone Like a Virgin – it was starting to get very dark.
  • Miss Piggy charged GG for forcing himself on a lady.
  • Mummies Boy charged Shunt for his archaeology
  • And finally TDTD charged Cooch for wearing Halloween colours.

And just to be different there was no Hash raffle but an auction of rare and exclusive Hash T-shirts from Fathers massive collection. And to close Mummies Boy said Baaarbaaara would be the stand in GM while he was off digging.


Point Post


Date Run Number Hare Venue Melways Et Cetera 6/11/02 955

Hat Run

Cooch Barkly Gardens BBQ area, Burnley 2H B12 We’ve hat it with Whorelse.  This is Cooch’s hat run 13/11/02 956  Plugger Hibernian Hotel 

cnr Graham and Ross Street, Port Melbourne

2J C4 On On at Chinese restaurant Mandarin Garden (no MSG) attached to the pub. 20/11/02 957 ? 27/11/02 958 ? 3/12/02 959

Western Suburbs HHH AGM

WSHHH Committee Station Hotel Cnr. Napier and Hyde Sts, Footscray 41 D5 THIS IS A TUESDAY RUN WITH A 7:00 START! $10 for food and run 11/12/02 960

“Coburg Challenge”

Remover Spanish Restaurant in Coburg  

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