Please click on the Welcome message above and enter a few details about yourself:
- Hash Name
- When did you start hashing … and at Lakeside
- Where did you start hashing
- Any other interesting info – best not to enter any personally identifying info.
Please click on the Welcome message above and enter a few details about yourself:
My Hash Name is Deeper O.B. – originally named by the Harriets as Deeper Throat after my brother Deep Throat – he thought I should have been named Shallower Throat but that’s for the Harriets to decide. O.B. (Order of the Banana) awarded by Lakeside’s Deep Throat at AGPU in 1996 when she took over from me as GM.
I first started running in1992 at Lakeside but had a 7 year break doing musical theatre between 2005 and 2012. Started again in Xmas 2012 with my partner now named Prickly Bush.
Started hashing in Bandung, Indonesia in 1983. Then with Full Moon Hash and Lakeside in Melbourne during 2005.