Run 944 Report

Lakeside Hash House Harriers


The drinking club with a running problem


Lakeside run on Wednesday nights starting at 6:30ish, usually within 10kms of the Melbourne CBD (Central Boozing District). Runs cost $2, the food costs $3 unless it is at a pub, and drinks cost $2. Visitors are always welcome – just show up and ask for a drink!




The Uncommitted

Grand Master


Mummies’ Boy (Phillip Edwards) Ph: 9479 1978

Sergeant @ Arms


Baa-baa-ra (Kevin Kitchingham) Ph: 0414 770 288

Hash Kash


Stuck -On (Wendy Guo) Ph: 9534 5495

Hash On-sex


Too Dumb to Die (Ian Morgan) Ph: 0439 944 945

Social Sex


Egg’n’ Bacon Pie (Lorraine Gierck) Ph: 9421 1134

Trail Master


Cooch (Rowan Compagnoni) Ph: 9421 1134

Grog Master


Janus (Hugh Watts) Ph: 0419 698784

Religious advisor


Cheesecake (Elizabeth Kelly) Ph: 9521 8038

Web Master


The Boomerang (Jon Miller) Ph: 9523-1694

Hash Haberdashery


Lotsa Fun (Lai Fun) Ph: 9815-2363

Hash Stud Master


Bovine Breeder Ph: 1900 069 069

Hash Horn


IBM (Martin Evans) Ph: 0401-147-796

Hash Flash


Shunt (Keith Ralph) Ph: 9570 4689

LSH3 Email

Web Site

Hash Trash contact

Checkin’ Chicken


Udder Idjit (David Cheeseman) Ph: 0414 716 382

Social Sex


Egg’n’ Bacon Pie (Lorraine Gierck) Ph: 9421 1134


Run 944 21 August 2002

Venue: Home of the Boomerang and HRH Queen Bea, Elsternwick

Hare: Boomerang



It was a cool night that the mad and crazy Hashers from Lakeside gathered at the house of the Boomerang and his Queen Bea. Boomerang being the Hare for the evening’s festivities set a challenging run that ended up defying most of the Hash. Only the most bravest (foolish and short of cash and brains) managed to complete the whole run. Those included Shagadelic, Udder Idjit and Quasimodo to but name a few. A valuable lesson can never be stressed enough to Hashers. If you cannot find the trail, go back to the last check and try, try again.

Having not actually participated on the run, all information supplied is purely based on hearsay and circumstantial evidence. Apparently the run went down tunnels, along shiggy trails, crossing flooded creeks and waterways. Highlights of the run included the Hash Horn (wherever he may be), Remover’s imitation of a pickled herring, and Deep Throat’s great party trick (William Jefferson Clinton sends his regards).

The meal was a sumptuous feast of a roast beef with vegetables. Note that the roast was cooked the correct way with the centre still red and moving. This is the only way meat should be consumed by Hashers. So to all you whinging buggers that didn’t like Boomerang’s meat, go back to Horne Street and grab some more.

The circle started with a birthday toast for Boomerang’s 19th Birthday celebration (again). Quasimodo rated the run with 3/99.

  • Whippet was charged for returning from his epic adventure flying around the world in a single engined light aircraft (Hashers are not normally members of Mensa).
  • The virgins to Lakeside were charged with Callum, who thought that the run was too short, and Merve the Perve who has decided that he needed to return to grass roots hashing by visiting Lakeside. Marcus having now become a seasoned Lakesider, looked on the virgins with mild amusement.
  • Major Fuckup looked pregnant sitting there on the couch.
  • Quasi was charged for 30 runs, Queen Bea for 22, Kakadu for nearly 250, and Shunt for 175 runs.
  • Gerbils was charged for changing her informal approach to the hash upon the return of the Whippet.
  • Tangles then charged Gerbils, as only Tangles can, with Gerbils for walking with extreme pain and difficulty since Whippet’s return.
  • Shunt charged Barbara for failing to share with his fellow Hashers that he is a life member of the Daily Planet. This was confirmed when Barbara walked through the front door of the Daily Planet, past the life size photo of Barbara with his favourite two sheep, when Barbara was given that “spark of recognition” from the madam of the establishment.
  • Boomer charged Kakadu for reading during the circle.
  • E&B charged yours truly for missing out on a 69’er. There are so many things that I could write for this one but I would only be getting myself into trouble…
  • Quasimodo charged Boomerang for running his own bike touring company.
  • Merve the Perve tried to charge some others for parking in front of his place but stuffed that one up by using the wrong name.
  • Boomerang was charged by Mummies Boy for having tight (tightarse?) security.
  • Boner was charged for feeling up all the Hash women. The women should have been charged for not complaining about being felt up by the Boner.
  • Kakadu was charged for being a run snob and choosing to go on a “real” run away from the Hash.
  • Shunt charged Tangles for trying to find a picture on the outside of a floppy disk.
  • Klingon charged the Boomerang (again), as the Hashers were not able to find the trail that night.
  • Quasi charged Plugger and Callum for doing the Hash before doing the Daily Planet.
  • Alice just crawled around doing her own thing.
  • Shagadelic has eagerly invited everyone to join the spectacle with The Silver Fox on 6-8 September at Mt. Buller.

On on,

Bovine Breeder





Run Number








Et Cetera





Inkerman Hotel, Inkerman Street, St Kilda East

2P K8

300m east of rail line



Bovine Breeder

Pacific Rim Thai Restaurant, 68 Bridport Street, Albert Park

2K B6

$12 feast; Private dining room! Hash beer served!



IBM & Swallower

7 Nelson Street, Sandringham

76 H8

Even more Hash room!




Uncle Shunt’s Shed, 22 Wallace Ave, Murrumbeena

69 A9

Welcome to Map 69!





6-8 Sep



“So far I have only four starters, viz: Bovine Breeder, Quasimodo, E & B and Cooch for the fabulous ski weekend on the first weekend in September which co-incides with the World Ariel Championships which will be held at Mt Buller that weekend. As I am on the mountain I can be contacted at Nutcracker Ski Club 57776354 between 6 and 7 most nights. Book with the Nutcracker Ski Club Booking Officer (Sue Ellem) on 9512 0063 at home after hours. As the special Lakeside booking period has passed beds are open to non hashers now so its first in best dressed. Its $125.00 for the weekend and money needs to be remitted to the booking officer to secure your place. BYO sheets, pillowcase, towel, food and grog. The club will supply spuds and onions for the pack. – Lethal”


27-29 September



If the Pakis don’t blow the world up in the meantime, Goa in India will be the place to be on the last weekend on September this year. Check the website for details:

All Lakeside comrades who are going please contact the GM so we can present a united front of Lakeside solidarity (i.e. t-shirt and handouts)!


19 October


: Annual Balls Up, hosted by RPH3 in Mornington. Theme is Shagadelic! Tickets are $65 a head for food, grog, gift, and prizes. Lakeside shaggers to go in theme – so put your thinking condoms on and think of the team fun we had last year, and we’ll do it again.

3-5 October 2003


: Pan Asia Hash hosted by the Royal Selangor HHH in Kuala Lumpur – Mark your diaries with Wet Dream! for more info.

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