Date: 25-Jun-14
Hare: Point Post
Location: 2/505 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn
Just when I thought I got away!!!!
Fancy being on the Gold Coast and writing up Hash run reports:(
Well we had a very very polite stand in GM.
Tricky Dicky gave us an out standing run report saying it was absolutely fantastic! Lots of Ups & downs and tripable lanes.
The pack got separated at the end (not a long run, aprox 5.49km) not enough rain and not enough wind. Received a massive 1369 / 1614
Walk report by Rolf, adding sublime to the descriptions already used. Lead by E&B, beautifully shortcutted, and a lovely time had.
I’m not actually sure the hare (Point Post) was taken away.
Shu Shu and Linda
Racy Tracy, Tricky dicky, Gringa, Rolf, Klingon ( any others deemed superfluous )
Special Runs
Cooch 566
Klingon 766
Prickly bush, 2 runs away from heaven on 67
Our GM has pissed off after just a week, therefore Nickle B gets to have a drink as stand in for our esteemed GM 🙂 Charges Pointy for the most pizzas ever ordered.
E&B for having a big list of names for Vic ( to be continued……) Rolf for not knowing who Vic is………
Klingon for his 7 runs in 12 days
Racy Tracy for 12 hashes in 3 days???
Lots of Fun & Shu Shu for talking in the circle.
All Pommies – Pointy, 2 Bottom, Vic and Udder for England’s terrible downfall in the soccer.
Lubang for sitting in circle
Kokup for his palandromic run 161
Punch & Luboil for both charging their husbands.
Tricky Dicky for managing to walk & keep in front of the runners.
Lubang for Alzeimers for not remembering Nickle B had already paid $110…..
Nickle B for last years receipt 🙂 (still in his tracksuit from last year) Lots of Fun for not washing said Nickle B’s tracksuit……
Klingon in lieu of Addon for returning said Nickle B’s old tracksuit when Lots of Fun was trying to lose it.
The naming of Vic to be next week, more consideration to be taken.
Vic ran with a back pack on due to late arrival that flashed!!
Lubang charged for Klingon paying his subs in American dollars.
Cooch ???? Sorry Cooch can’t remember that one.
Next Week.        Orrong Hotel.  Hares Kokup & Punch
Tomorrow.            Frankston for Peninsula Ladies
Donation discussed to Goby Tart to take to Jordan.
25/10 Ballarat Balls Up
Rolf would like a Hash Trivia night
NYE Bash here at PP????????
New Moon this Sat
5/7 Bike Hash
HASH SONG………… ON ON.      NOW FOR THE FRUiT CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Signing off