Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Relig. Advisor: Yolanda “Screw Top” Shaw Hash Cash: Mirian “Tiger Moth” Cruz Grog Master: Mark “Whippet ” Willetts Checking Chicken: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Sgt@Arms: David “Mothball” De Freitas Soc Sec: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Gierke On Sec: Reza “The Shah” Gharavi Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Hare Raiser: Phillip “Prince” Johnson Hash Flash: Anyone? Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1181, 06 December 2006 Hare: Mothball & Tiger Moth Venue: 23 Pitt St Ashburton
I loved the food, the Christmas atmosphere and all enthusiastic Lakesiders who got together to run another one of Mothball‘s well set runs. As Shah and Prince got to the house, they faced Mommies Boy who for the first time ran two runs in a row and Astro who was relaxing after his treasure hunting exercise in Ashburton streets responded with a Ford’s rim bencher, rim on blusher. Mothball was meanwhile was cleaning the oily marks that Astro made with his treasure. Tigermoth away from her cooking duty appeared with a sexy costume advocated by the Perth hashers which emphasized on the feminine power at the 23 Pitt Street. Gradually Cooch, Crabbo and other front runners arrived to listen to Mothball‘s ignorance to the loud noises from his neighbor during the rubbery from the neighbor’s house.
As run started, Cooch and Shah who pre-checked the track riding to the venue, took the charge before crossing the rail line and running through few roads and creeks. Mothball set the run so well that slow runners, quick runners and walkers were together majority of the run. Run scored 29 from 28 for the run and drink stop under pergola besides 30 for the Caribbean curry and desert. We recruited Jacky and Astro (255), Klingon (414), Mommies Boy (281), Tigermoth (89) and Chicko (188) had significant runs.
Lethal, Mothball and Cheesecake got down downs for something about Chicko. Upper Class Tart explained GG‘s public story and charged Cooch and Crabbo for their masculinity beside GG. Then it was Mommies Boy’s turn to tell us his feminine story and charge Mothball for his T-shirt. Klingon reminded everybody that Crabbo had a bad night in Western Suburbs AGM and was a bad rep of his country while Shah soon to make a big mistake according to Mothball. Pomes reps of the night, Pointy, Crabbo and Upper Class Tart were charged for their loss in the second test while we found out that our recruit, Jacky, is another accountant. Shah was discouraging excited Chicko to have a go to pussy Maxi, but he couldn’t get why Two Bottom, Lethal and Cheesecake were charged for. Dangerous was again the center stage for her N.Y.L connection while Prince and Whippet got the volume of beer wrong in the E&B‘s run previous week. Finally Mommies Boy was caught sitting during the circle and night dreaming into the history.
On On Sec: Shah
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in several colours; collar is denim. $30. ‘How to order’ details to follow from E’n’B.
Upcoming Events
Next Full Moon run: Run No 82 at 4 p.m on 7 January 2007. Hares: Hares: Hares Simon (Lubang Oz) and Metty Wreford Venue: Doongalla Homestead Picnic Area, Map 66 D5
16 Dec – Christmas Party Up to $50/head
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page