Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Relig. Advisor: Yolanda “Screw Top” Shaw Hash Cash: Mirian “Tiger Moth” Cruz Grog Master: Mark “Whippet ” Willetts Checking Chicken: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Sgt@Arms: David “Mothball” De Freitas Soc Sec: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Gierke On Sec: Reza “The Shah” Gharavi Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Hare Raiser: Phillip “Prince” Johnson Hash Flash: Anyone? Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1190, 31 January 2007 Hare: Gerbils & Whippet Venue: 36 Victoria St. Sandringham
A massive turnout for this return to the Sandringham estate of Whippet and Gerbils, which this time saw us taking a trip to the beach, but only after a huge 6.67km, globally-positioned loop around several other suburbs. Codpiece, who might become a regular while in exile from Tasmania, said it would have been a top walk if it had been marked, and Boxy gave the drink stop 8/10 (later revised to 3/17) for the stunning view over the bay. The fact that the hares couldn’t coordinate which table to use for the drink stop, and required the services of the SCBs to remark the trail and get it together, was overlooked.
John and Betty were visiting, are somehow related to NickleBe, but are otherwise OK. Plunger, Clanger and Chinese Lotus were returnees. Cheesecake gave herself one for palindromically reaching 252 runs.
And so to the RA. He immediately launched into Hasher Stuart for being a lazy, short-checking bastard, and Codpiece, Lounge Lizard and Upper Class Tart for sitting down in the circle. Lizard very wisely held on tight to UCT‘s hand while consuming his beer, as he remembers what her hand can do to a man’s tackle if allowed unretsrained access.
Charges from the floor followed as night follows day: Whippet for not being there when Lotsafun and the other walkers got to the drink stop, Deeper for not being within a million miles of the drink stop (or the trail) at any time , and Udder for claiming (to Upper Class Tart of all people) to be something of a chick magnet. Whippet and Gerbils returned to the circle for having an unfeasibly green lawn in this time of drought: still to be resolved, how does Whippet reach the clothesline? Plunger claimed to be precisely 54, Cheesecake herself was hauled in for heavy breathing, and Hasher Pauline for mistaking Crabbo for a sneaker-upper. One more time for Whippet, for renting such a modest abode while there’s a perfectly good mansion next door which he could easily afford to buy. Cooch and other front runners were called up for getting themselves all lost and confused within 100 metres of the end, and Tiger Moth and Klingon were low profile.
Finally, the reason that I’m writing this and not your very own OnSec Shah, is that his evil boss Cooch, made him work late. He was severely reprimanded.
!ON!ON! Crabbo
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in several colours; collar is denim. $30. ‘How to order’ details to follow from E’n’B.
Upcoming Events
Next Full Moon run: Run No 83 at 4 p.m on 4 February 2007. Hares: Hares: Mike (Father) & Bern (Chainsaw) Lyons. Kirth Kiln Park, Soldiers Road, 8k North of Gembrook
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page