Run 2013 – Klingon @ Peanut Farm Reserve, St Kilda

A return from Victorian Lockdown #5 had the Lakesiders in disarray … but in true hashing spirit we found a way. We were limited to groups of 10 and masks and sitting down when in the Pub … but we…
Pre-Run Briefing Drink Stop People and Guests Circle New GM and Committee More Pictures
Hashers came from the far West, the deep South, the genteel heartland and the Prohibition mob for 4 Pack’s run. Udder and Gargoyle had to stop for lunch on the way, but Pythagorarse left after lunch and arrived for dinner. …
It was a double V day: Virgin Hare, Virgin location for Lakeside.
Run #2006Date: 26 May 2021Hare: Quick Lay Venue: Albion Hotel, Curzon Street, North Melbourne A meansley seven of us (including Dragon) turned up to Curzon Street on Wednesday night to run by the light of the blood red moon. We…
Run# 2004Date: 22-May-2021Hare: CoochLocation: Maroondah Reservoir Picnic Area, Healesville The committee decided to have the 2,000th run at Healesville. Healesville was reasonably close to Melbourne, is a vibrant little town and on paper looked to have many trail options I’m…