Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Relig. Advisor: Yolanda “Screw Top” Shaw Hash Cash: Mirian “Tiger Moth” Cruz Grog Master: Mark “Whippet ” Willetts Checking Chicken: Nick “NickleB” Leicester Sgt@Arms: David “Mothball” De Freitas Soc Sec: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Gierke On Sec: Reza “The Shah” Gharavi Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Hare Raiser: Phillip “Prince” Johnson Hash Flash: Anyone? Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1164, 16 August 2006 Hare: Whippet Venue: Giardino Pizza, 550 Glen Huntly Rd Elsternwick
The gale force winds meant it was never going to be a good hair night, although that didn’t worry Whippet or the newly shorn Goliath.
Whippet told us that the run was “about 6 kilometres”. As dog years are to human years, so are Whippet kilometres to normal kilometres. We went on and on and on and on through 4 postcodes, till finally we got to Brighton Cemetery where Mothball said “I’ve had enough, I can’t go on”. We pursuaded him that he could still live a rich and full life, so he rallied and went on to enjoy several (non anchovy) pizza slices.
To be fair to Mothball, several of us were feeling sufficiently shagged that perpetuity at Brighton cemetery was a fleeting option. However, feeling stuffed was overtaken by feeling completely starving so we pressed on across Caulfield Park, got to Glen Huntly Rd and at 8pm decided we wouldn’t do the last 47% of Whippet’s trail. It was a revolting pack that defiantly ignored trail and proceeded on home in a westerly direction following the tramtracks.
We arrived back at Giardinos to the wafting smells of the plentiful, yummy pizzas organised by Gerbils.
Colours told us about the run and gave it the magnificent score of 28/33.
Returnees were Twisted Sister and Mummies Boy.
Special runs were Mummies Boy X 275 Prince X 180 Twisted Sister X 26 Goliath x 19 who got a down down just for remembering without the Book which was at home with Shah and his dicky knee.
Charges were: * Lotsa for leading the pack for all of 10 metres before her shoelace gave out. * NicklB, Lotsa, Klingon, Cheesecake for trying to catch a bus in Kooyong Rd. * GG charged Cheesecake for wearing New Shoes and got a rebound because he was told about shoes more than 3 weeks ago. * Cooch for leading the pack over Nepean Hwy bridge. * Pointy for looking longingly at the whips and spurs at the leatherist next door to Pizza place and also for checking out “Club 859” Glen Huntly Rd, instead of just checking. * Mummies Boy for getting 8 in the footy tipping. * Whippet for getting his photo in Monday’s Age. Like Paris Hilton he’s blond and desperate for publicity. * GG for telling everyone he’s a small man. * Helen for smoking in the circle. (Who’s Helen I hear you ask? She was a civilian/bystander minding her own business who got sucked into the circle by GG) * Twisted Sister for carrying her grog around in a brown paper bag derro-like. * Lizard for insubordination. * GM for turning Lakeside into an inner urban wine club. * Goliath for turning grass into lawn and looking like a Blues Brother. * Low profile for TigerMoth, NickleB. Next run – Goliath at Elsternwick Hotel
Announcements – 2 Sep – don’t forget the Balls Up, tickets are $80 from GG. Theme – your favourite fantasy. 27 Aug – Bike Bash from E&B and Cooch’s house at 115 Buckingham St, be there from 12 midday for toasties and ride at 1pm.
By the way, when I got home there was more money in my bag than there was supposed to be. If anyone misplaced any money on Wed night or thinks they might have put it in wrong bag, please let me know.
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in several colours; collar is denim. $30. ‘How to order’ details to follow from E’n’B.
Upcoming Events
Balls Up is on Saturday 2 Septemberat Powerhouse on Albert Park Lake. GG has 20 tickets at $80 each. Dress theme is to come as your ultimate fantasy
22-24 Sept Bike Hash/winery weekend at Griffith – The Boomerang is the contact.
30 Sept – Grand Final Day extravaganza 12pm Run, Seaford RSL Station St Melway 99 E3.
Next Full Moon run: Run No 78 at 3 p.m on 10 September 2006. Hares: Joan and Alan McCann. Venue: Mortimer Picnic Ground in Bunyip State Park Melways Key Map 14
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page