Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Phillip “Prince” Johnson Relig. Advisor: David “Point Post” Shearn Hash Cash: Mirian “Tiger Moth” Cruz Grog Master: David “Mothball” De Freitas Checking Chicken: Lai “Lotsa Fun” Leicester Sgt@Arms: Nick “NickleB” Leicester & Phillip “Mummies Boy” Edwards Soc Sec: Dana “Dangerous” Clementz On Sec: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Hare Raiser: “The Shah”, “Flem “& “It Wasn’ Me” Hash Flash: Eva “Codpiece” Cox Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1261, 23 April 2008 Hares: GG Venue: Flockhart Reserve, Flockhart St Abbotsford
We gathered in the shadow of the CUB brewery – there was no hare and no beer (apart from 3 zillion litres in building behind us). Lots of speculation about GG’s whereabouts. Search party aborted when beer arrived on basis that we’re a drinking club with a running problem and we don’t want to feed problem. Unfortunately GG turned up. We formed a mini circle wherein GG told us that we’d need our torches in a couple of places. Couple of places turned out to be pretty much everywhere between start and finish of run. After a falsie, he took us across Burnley St Yarra pedestrian bridge, past vineyard, then off to the left following path along river, then vertically up to Yarra Blvd, which went onwards and upwards like, forever.
After a hairpin turn away from Studley Park Rd, GG had us do a pre Anzac Day Kokoda Trail high above Yarra back to Gipps St pedestrian bridge over Yarra.
Now GG likes to advise hares early and often that they can never have too many checks and on-backs cos it’s terribly important to keep the pack together. Guess who had his pack stretched out over 3 suburbs? The 2nd half of trail was very skinny, very gravelly, very steep, very scary, very dark, and very treacherous. Lots of overhanging branches and rocks which couldn’t be seen in the dark. The cream of international and Lakeside hashing could have plunged to a wet, dark end in the Yarra far far below. Yet within this stretch there was nary a check, an on-back, a hash halt, a light, another humanoid. Naughty GG.
In the absence of our Prince, who’s nicked off to NZ, Nickelby stood in as our deputy assistant GM. Cooch rated the run 19/40. GG lost marks for having a check on a main road, Victoria St and for spreading out the pack. GG, as ever, always open to constructive criticism, called Cooch a big heap of shit.
We had a virgin, a visitor and some returnees. Modnoc grizzled that people had difficulty spelling condom backwards – she was tartly told to be grateful she wasn’t called citcalyhporp.
Visitors Shit Off A shovel (SOAS), Matt
Returnees Modnoc, Twisted Sister, Colours, Codpiece.
Charges -GG and Cooch for talking in the circle. -Nickleby – the logic award for saying that Mummies Boy could stand in for himself. -GG for holding his thing the wrong way around in the dark – his stamper that is, the forward arrows pointed backwards. -E&B and Codpiece for yelling out on the darkest bits of the run “Muumies Boy – Head!” -Mothball for not listening to his intuitive inner grumpy old man who warned him not to run up what was definitely going to be an on-back. -Matt for nicking away from his night shift at the CUB brewery to come running with hash. -Klingon for running a footy tipping comp where one not allowed to pick a draw. -SOAS and Matt for upending the beer esky. -Sooty for losing his nuts last week. -Mummies Boy for not on-calling into the dark abyss. -E&B for truncating her stamper in a fit of rage. -SOAS for not knowing what a stamper is. -Lotsa for saying that she doesn’t like doing it in the dark. -Pointy for being an alternative cutting bastard and maintaining altitude. -Mummies B for breaching protocol and engaging in surrepticious sipping.
Scribe: Cheesecake
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black $30.
Upcoming Events
Next Full Moon runs: Run No. 99, at 3pm 18 May 2008. Hares: Kokup & Punch Location: Lerderderg State Park, off Cameron Road, Lerderderg, via Bacchus Marsh Run No. 100 and AGM at 3 p.m. June 22, 2008. Hares Committee Location:Werribee River Picnic Area, Wombat State Forest.
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page