Run 1477 Report

Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem


Grand Master:  Shitoffashovel Religious Adviser:  John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Simon “Lubang Oz” Wreford Grog Master:  Checking Chicken: David “Udder Idjit” Cheeseman Sgt@Arms:  “General”  Soc Sec: Linda  “Cyclone Tracy” Anderson-Berry On Sec:  Ian “Astro” Manning Hash Haberdash: Andrew “Bovine Breeder” Leong Hare Raiser: Philip “Prince” Johnston Hash Flash: David “Point Post” Shearn Web Master:  John “Klingon” Perkins

Run 1477, 25 Jan 2012 Hare: IGT2 & Point Post Venue: 13 Kent St Hawthorn

The National Australia Day AND India Day AND House Warming Run

30 aprox hashers assembled in the backyard of IGT2’s new happy residence in good old Hawks territory. IGT2 advised all that she had been busily cooking party pies all day and had forgotten to set the run. Alas, she had cleverly invented a cryptic run with clues placed in envelopes and secreted with little helpers strategically placed at designated check points. The first checkpoint had us gathered at a reading place known as the Hawthorn Library, but after that it was every hasher for themselves as the pack vanished in different directions looking for hoops, Auburn Station, Camberwell Junction, Tooronga Station and Mouthfuls’ house for a well earned drink. Some hashers may have been confused at times regarding the whereabouts of the designated checkpoints, but the overall experience was rewarding for those that are athletically inclined. Possibly a 10km run for the front running pack and 6km for the cunning walkers. There is nothing like a steaming hot Party Pie after a long and winding cryptic run…well done IGT2 and daughters. The delicious Indian delights and salads were great too.

The Circle

Klingon stepped up as Acting GM in the absence of the appointed GM…who is he? Klingon’s first remark was to admonish the organisers of the “Book” for failing to leave a page vacant for the participants on the newly formed “New Moon Hash” which had its inaugural run on the previous Saturday…hail the “New Moon Hash.” We look forward to reading the run report.

General provided a concise run report and seemed to memorise all the checkpoints, but did not remember to award the run a score. 7.9/10 appears reasonable

Down Downs

Visitors Pol Pot, Ken, Robyn, Dazzling, Defecator, Death Mask and Anabolic. Cooch front running bastard Klingon accepting a pull from Toffee Mouthful and Handful provider of drinks Special Runs Flashon – 40 runs, Addon 177 runs, Mouthful 13 runs IGT2 panicking about the run Cut Loose ignored encyclopaedic instructions Peanuts whingeing about the lack of chalk for the walkers and no walking trail Crabbo geographically challenged in assuming that Hawthorn Station would be the closest train station to Kent St, Hawthorn Handful no underwear under his shorts (someone mentioned that there was nothing else under his shorts as well) IGT2 instructing the arriving pack on her front gate to “enter from behind”. Dazzling collecting a business card from an Indian Restaurant and winning a prize Announcements Happy’s 1000th run with Melbourne Men coming up. New Moon Hash run (two weeks after the Full Moon Runs) from Exford Hotel, Corner Russell & Little Burke. ON ON ASTRO L

On On


New LSH3 rugby top for sale!  Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black  $30.

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