Run 1586 Report

Date: 18/12/2013

Hare: Pog

Location: Brookville Gardens, Fairbairn Rd, Toorak

Returnees, Bianca, 2Bottoms (who did not run at the Xmas party, therefore considered a returnee), Point Post.

Detailed run report – A good run with drink stop 23/25. The walk followed the run closely, Punch concluding it was a beautiful walk 25/25.

HASH JOKE and a goodie, big tick!!

Special Runs, 111 Cut Loose, 544 Cooch, 331 Lubang, 441 Deeper.


Pog for what the hell are the question marks on the arrows, not once but twice!

Punch for taking a sausage to DragOn.

Cheesecake for buggering off on Sunday at lunch time.

E&B for leaving her car at Cutloose’s over night and blocking the turning circle in the driveway.

NickleB for having some balls??

E&B for claiming she was on trail but just happened to miss the drink stop 🙂 Goby for having no hash gear.

Astro for consuming 3 day old cauliflower left over from the Xmas party YUK!

Klingon for buying Addon an Xbox for Christmas when he is an atheist.

Astro on a rebound for screwing up multiple hash names ha ha.

Cut Loose for being called Loose Cuts, but not sure how that was her fault.

Cheesecake for leading E&B and Bianca up the wrong path and missing the drink stop.

NickleB for getting 2 bottoms to do the run report every time he comes.

Racey Tracy for for learning how to shortcut, tisk tisk Lazy Tracy..

Pointy for showing HOW to short cut!

Kokup for not including Cheesecake in the charge.

Goby Tart for accusing GG for scratching his balls.

Astro for calling (chrome domes husband) elegantly dressed.

NickleB for being physic that Pointy would get to the drink stop first.




Racey Tracey




Cut Loose


Highly infectious


New Moon Pub Crawl – $45 x 6 drink stops. Imperial Hotel, 3pm.

Next run, Christmas Day run 25 /12 at Klingon’s in StKilda .

New Year’s Day is NickleB ‘s run.


ON ON………………………..

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