If you only ever have one shower a month and only then if the month has an ‘R’ in it, you’d be disappointed with this July run. As we say in the song, we were publicly pissed on for the entire run/walk. Everyone ended up dripping wet with squelchy shoes. A few runners tried to do their own thing around Albert Park Lake, but eventually we all found trail, headed to the Botanic Gardens and ended up at the splendiferous drink stop at the Myer Music Bowl. Old Boar supplied Jim Beam and coke but it was the wonderful venue up there on the stage that had us all singing and dancing (well, just Klingon did the dancing, his inhibitions being desensitised by an early arrival at the drink stop.) OB’s drink stop is definitely in the running for next year’s best drink stop award.
Mystery sergeant – Mummies’ Boy
Charges Hare – Old Boar
Run report – Prince – Prince veered off to the right with Prickly Bush and Sweaty Box, so there were 2 separate run groups. Prince didn’t much like his group, so he created another group with Klingon, more like a partnership really. Although it was difficult to follow trail, he and Klingon arrived at Myer Music Bowl drink stop where Klingon entered into the spirit of things big time. Great drink stop, excellent 90/99.
Walk report – Cut Loose – 9 marks for big arrows, got wet feet on the grass, 99.
- Klingon pissed after drink stop,
- Mummies’ is embarrassed? Klingon is in election mode, he wants to run Trump hash.
- Old Boar for locating Sidney Myer Music Bowl for drink stop.
- Fish Face for booking her own party at the Star Hotel.
- Klingon for forgetting to tell anyone that Fish Face was at Star Hotel.
- Cooch for organising a great AGPU.
- Big Ears for discussing late Bronze Age Egyptology with Mummies’ Boy during circle.
- Swamp Rat – she’s a Yank who doesn’t know US national anthem.
- Mothball for not knowing Trinidad Tobago national anthem.
- Big Ears and Kokup – when running near Shrine, chatted up a lady who looked like FishFace, who they therefore thought was FishFace.
- Cheesecake for buying whipped cream.
- Cut Loose and Astro for not using enough of whipped cream.
- Kokup for being unable to squirt whipped cream.
- Prickly for wanting to take whipped cream home.
- Klingon and his dance of death at traffic lights.
- Mummies’ for wasting time on late Bronze Age Egyptology when he could be digging underneath old Melbourne pubs and brothels.
- Lotsa for saying Cheesecake is a Short Cutting Bastard.
- Cooch for missing the drink stop.
- Prince for standing on an arrow.