After 500 Runs Lakeside has worked out “GABRIELLA” stands for “Got A Brilliant Run….Include Expensive Lightrail…..Lakeside’s Lethal”.
Congratulations Lethal on 500 Runs with Lakeside and here’s to the next 500.
Notable returnees were the speedy traveller Mother Brown who took in NZland’s Sth Island in half an hour and got the ferry home in time for tea, GG, Mais Oui (Pseudo look-alike) until the genuine Hasher popped up.
Stand-in Sergeant Kling On charged E&B for 707 runs or was that for travelling in obsolete jet aircraft?
GM asked Pack to raise a glass for our much cherished Hasher Codpiece who came off second best after tango-ing with a canine. Speedy recovery Coddy.

Where’s Wally at Gabriella Pizza
E&B and Mother Brown are amazed the Hare’s nowhere to be found

Stampede for the spare seat spotted by Hopalong …. Secretive Hare remains safe in his hiding spot

A clue? We’ve seen those aqua shorts before and possibly standing right in that spot in 2017, 2016, 2015 etc etc

Astro thinks he’s spotted the Hare

The end of an arm, four fingers! Could that be the tricky hare?

A canny hiding place, right under the Pack’s nose

No fashion faux pas for the disappearing hare. He knows blue and green shouldn’t be seen without a colour in-between

Petite Mais Oui is too little to spot what’s happening on her right. Mother Brown and Astro think the Hare’s out laying trail for next year’s run.

Lubang, Luboil and Add On very happy they found the Venue

Cooch in shock as he didn’t realise Quick Lay was Tasmanian

It’s not a threesome, it’s a foursome

E&B spots a flash of aqua shorts in the distance while Tahlia receives a mug for her 10th Run and 10th Birthday

Happy Hare is found finally. He’s chuffed he bagged a seat

That wormy carb-filled delight is what it’s all about!!