Cheesecake hasn’t had enough adventures recently so she decided to set Run No 1889 on a day when Melbourne recorded 37 degrees during the day & then 100,000 lightening strikes, rain & wind in the early evening. Here’s a timeline of how it unfolded:

1pm: Ms Cheesecake & virgin runner Yvonne set the run on a typically parched Melbourne Day. Much expensive Aldi flour required.
5pm: Hare makes frantic phone-call to the GM but is sternly reminded of Lakeside’s Mantra: “though the storms be GREAT or small…….. Lakesiders will Run by day or by night”

505 pm: Undaunted by a spot of rain, Lakesiders travel to Elsternwick Park.

530pm: No 1 of 100,000 lightening strikes over Melbourne. Hare (at the time cowering in backseat of GM’s car) is reassured it’s at least 2 km from Run site. Squinting through rapidly fogging up windows in the Subaru….Astro, Cheesecake, Colours & Cut Loose watch as Elsternwick Park’s changes from this……

to this…….

6pm: Lakesiders have arrived at Run site. Wise counter-measures required as Melbourne records lightening strike no 89,000 heading rapidly to 100,000.
Even Drag On seeks shelter
Nervous about those clouds, Colours braces for wild weather.
645 pm:Run sets off with Swingers in charge of the Melway. Faith has dissolved in staying power of Aldi’s flour.

646 pm: Look at all of those gorgeous fit bodies. Apologies from Hash Flash: note to self: you’re meant to be photographing Lakeside’s elite athletes…………

“I survived” yells a triumphant Mother Brown

IGT2 & Lethal chuffed they also survived but still have hands firmly planted in pockets in case the wind whips their trousers off.

E&B & Pol Pot pleased to be On Home

Klingon & Astro check the lightning hasn’t ruined the beer…

RA has done his job, the beer survived.

Gargoyle’s worried. She’s been away so maybe only hope remains in Pandora’s Hash Cash Box

Gargoyle’s ready for whatever the hare serves up…

Hand crafted by Ms Cheesecake

a culinary feast to take minds off the wild weather

still traumatised by lack of condiments after 950 km through Spain, Ms Cheesey has come prepared

Cheesecake is blown away by it all

Visitor Yvonne is “delighted” to learn she’s been nominated to set next week’s Run