Run 924 Report


RUN NO. 924 3 APRIL 2002




Grand Master: Egg & Bacon Pie


(Lorraine Gierck) Ph: (03) 9421-1134 (H)

Sergeant-at-Arms: Gerbils


(Cathy Devries)(& Deputy GM);

Hash Kash: Point Post


(David Shearn) Ph: (03) 9885 9906 H

Hash On-secs: Nobody


serving in this position – Desperately seeking a desperate person who wants to do it!

Social Secretary: Cheesecake


(Elizabeth Kelly)Ph: 9212 1942 (w) 9521 8038 (h)

Trail Mistrress: Lipstick


(Judith Pound) (0415 195 0930)



Master: Barbaaara (Kevin Kitchingham) (0414 770 288)

Religious advisor: IBM


(Martin Evans)(03) 9521 9439 (H)

Web Master: The Boomerang


(Jon Miller)Ph: (03) 9523-1694 (H)

Hash Haberdashery: Whinging Pom


(Margaret Collette)

Committee Member: Rugarse


( Paul Hooper) – Leave of Absence for rest of year

Chechin’ Chicken: Janus


(Hugh) 0419 698 784

Hash Horn: Too Dumb to Die


(Ian Morgan) Leave of absence for rest of year 9421 5221(H)

Web Site:


Run Report


After a heavy downpour in the afternoon, the pack set out following POINT POST’S return from re-setting the course. With small and difficult to see marks, as well as having the marks on alternating sides of the trail (for which POINT POST was later charged), this was a difficult and slow run. QUEEN BEA especially kept the pack moving by finding the erratic marks. DEEP THROAT was disappointed it wasn’t still raining, as she wanted to get wet, but she was rewarded later in the evening as the rain began to fall again towards the end of the run, as we headed back to POINT POST’S large house (why does he need all that space with just him there?).




UDDER – advertising his Pommy run on 24th April.

POINT POST – the hare. Given 20 out of 64 by QUEEN BEA, and one out of 28 by TDTD.

TDTD – for his measly one out of 28.

JANUS – he ate four slices of pizza!

DEEP THROAT – charged by the GM for standing in the dark by POINT POST’S front door. She was also politely asked to ‘Shut the fuck up!’ Also charged were ADOUCH, LOTS A FUN and NICKLE BOTTOM.

POINT POST – charged for being too stingy to turn on the aforementioned light.

SHUNT – failed to take everyone away properly.

LOTS A FUN – for being underdressed (she had no pants on), and SHUNT for being overdressed in jeans.

POINT POST – charged by TDTD for: ‘I’m pissed when I lay a hash,’ because of the marks on both sides of the trail.

LOTS A FUN – third charge of the night for thinking QUEEN BEA’S tattoo was fake, and she’d never seen the top Australian show, which was made in Melbourne: Prisoner.

BAA-BAA-RA, GERBILS and TANGLES – something to do with them all being intimate in a cafe together, when they should have been out doing a 20 mile run.

DEEPER – welcome back. Charged for remembering when he was GM, with the Madonna song ‘Deeper and Deeper’ emblazoned on his t-shirt.

QUEEN BEA, POINT POST and UDDER-IDJUT – charged by TDTD for being ‘British.’ They should have had a pat on the back and a night with Kylie Minogue for that!

GM – she called GG on her mobile ‘phone from the northern stand when he was in the southern stand, and suggested they meet for a drink.

KLINGON’S baby – POINT POST tripped on her bag.

GG – has his hash name changed to ‘Gay Gloves?’ – that’s what’s written on the back of his t-shirt. This prompted comments about his pert breasts and running Melbourne Men.

QUEEN BEA and TANGLES – charged with GG for running Melbourne Men.

NICK – charged by GERBILS for looking ‘lovely’ in yellow. Had she had too much beer at this stage?!

QUEEN BEA – charged by GG for his liberal comments about homosexuality.

POINT POST – charged just for the hell of it!




SHUNT says he’s not a candidate for the next GM.


Please DON’T support the campaign by Perth to host Interhash 2004. Everyone knows it’s time for the event to go to the UK for Wales 2004.


Forthcoming Runs



Run 925 10th April (CAPTAIN BRYCE’S 1000th run) 7p.m. start

Camberwell Sports Ground

Melways 59 K3



Run 926 17th April QUASIMOTO

Fawkner Park, South Yarra


Run 927 24th April St. George’s Day UDDER-IDJUT

Dress in appropriate British costume.

14 Dalmont Street Highett

Melways 77 B9


Run 928 25th April ANZAC Day (breakfast run) TANGLES


Social Stuff


21 April weekend – Joint mountin’ weekend with Western Suburbs at Hotham. See Deep Throat for details, or Wings


18th May


7p.m. start. Dinner and the Trots Night at Moonee Valley Racecourse See CHEESECAKE for details or read the flyer in the runs book when you sign your name.

Parking and entry off McPherson Street

Melways 28 K7

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