Run 949 Report

For those of you with filters or on the Topica LSHHH mailing list:

Lakeside Hash House Harriers

The drinking club with a running problem

Lakeside run on Wednesday nights starting at 6:30ish, usually within 10kms of the Melbourne CBD (Central Boozing District). Runs cost $2, the food costs $3 unless it is at a pub, and drinks cost $2. Visitors are always welcome – just show up and ask for a drink!


The Uncommitted

Grand Master

Mummies’ Boy (Phillip Edwards) Ph: 9479 1978

Sergeant @ Arms

Baa-baa-ra (Kevin Kitchingham) Ph: 0414 770 288

Hash Kash

Stuck -On (Wendy Guo) Ph: 9534 5495

Hash On-sex

Too Dumb to Die (Ian Morgan) Ph: 0439 944 945

Social Sex

Egg’n’ Bacon Pie (Lorraine Gierck) Ph: 9421 1134

Trail Master

Cooch (Rowan Compagnoni) Ph: 9421 1134

Grog Master

Janus (Hugh Watts) Ph: 0419 698784

Religious advisor

Cheesecake (Elizabeth Kelly) Ph: 9521 8038

Web Master

The Boomerang (Jon Miller) Ph: 9523-1694

Hash Haberdashery

Lotsa Fun (Lai Fun) Ph: 9815-2363

Hash Flash

Shunt (Keith Ralph) Ph: 9570 4689

Hash Horn

IBM (Martin Evans) Ph: 0401-147-796

Checkin’ Chicken

Udder Idjit (David Cheeseman) Ph: 0414 716 382

LSH3 Email

Web Site

Hash Trash contact


Run 949 25 September 2002 Bell’s Hotel, South Melbourne


The migratory patterns of the Gerbil are not yet entirely understood. Although the Gerbil is a social creature, and prone to mating, it will occasionally leave a known habitat to seek a new and exotic one. I’m sure the friendly people at the International Gerbil Foundation can help you with further details if you’re curious.

In any case, it was back to the Lakeside Dreaming for Gerbil’s “I’m Leaving Now, Honestly Run” set from South Melbourne’s Bells Hotel and Brewery. Despite the venue we had a surprisingly small turn-out to see Gerbils off – fortunately our numbers were swollen by several returnees.

It didn’t take long after setting off for the pack to be scattered to the winds. The trail wound a confusing path through back streets and alleyways, passed several pubs, and checks at nearly every intersection kept us guessing. The pack had only just regrouped when the hare took us within 50 meters of the on-in, at which point a number of us opted for warmth and refreshment. Only Marcus, Remover, Whippet, Bovine and Toto followed true trail out to the Shrine of Rememberance and back again.

By the time the hard chargers returned most of the hash had sat down to their burgers with chips, steak with chips, fish with chips, or chicken with chips. In case anyone wanted extra chips, there was a spare burger left at a place set for Our Fallen Comrades -though no one was sacrilegious enough to call it their own. Not that food was necessarily needed for any hashers who partook of the chewy ales brewed by the pub. The GM was so fulfilled by two big, chewy pints of Bells Bitter that he opted out of dinner.

We had an area big enough to accommodate the circle, and then some, with full run of the big upstairs dining area. The GM first charged our returnees – Rugarse, Whinging Pom, Deeper and Mothballs – then brought Gerbils out for fitting Punishment By Beer before handing over to the Sergeant.

Baabaara gave Pointy his 400 run charge, Remover had his 21st, and Gerbils was rewarded with another free beer for leaving the country. Tangles was charged for trying to reconcile with the ex-missus at the Golden Gate (he has the stitches to prove it), and Lizard and GG was charged for being dirty old men.

Charges went to the floor and a spate of footy related charges quickly followed:

  • TDTD was charged for confusing VFL and AFL
  • Mummies Boy was charged for asking what was on this weekend
  • Gerbils drank again, this time for poor directions
  • Marcus was charged for not having done anything stupid or revolting enough in 7 runs to be named
  • Janus and Dave were charged on behalf of all the soft-cocks who didn’t do the whole run
  • Remover was charged on behalf of all Germans for subjecting the world to news coverage of German politics
  • The Warm-Down Brigade was charged for taking running too seriously

And Gerbils had another send-off beer. She is in search of a Bath, and hopes to find one in England. Bon voyage!



Run Number




Et Cetera



Captain Bryce Canter

John Curtin Hotel, Lygon Street (Opposite Trades Hall)

2B F11

Starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp, $8 for meal and raffle




Rose Hotel, Corner of Napier and Leicester Streets, 406 Napier Street, Fitzroy

2C C5

There should be a back room for us




Swan Hotel, 152 Chapel St, Corner of Chapel and Eastbourne

2P H1

Nearest train is Prahran.

Bring money for self-serviced pub crawl.

Be on time.


19 October

: Annual Balls Up, hosted by RPH3 in Mornington. Theme is Shagadelic! Tickets are $65 a head for food, grog, gift, and prizes. Lakeside shaggers to go in theme – so put your thinking condoms on and think of the team fun we had last year, and we’ll do it again. SEE WHIPPET FOR TIX

3-5 October 2003

: Pan Asia Hash hosted by the Royal Selangor HHH in Kuala Lumpur – Mark your diaries! for more info.

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