Run 986 4 May 2003
Venue: Buckingham Street, Richmond
Hare: E&B and Cooch
It was yet another E&B and Cooch run, which meant that we could look forward to some gourmet dining but only after wed paid for it with some hard slog.
Sure enough, we headed out from Richmond to Deep Throat territory in Far Kew and all points in between. The hare had clearly sought out the steepest streets and the $teepest property values as he took us on a tour of “The Other Half: How They Live”. The sights of the rich and famous included a convent of Carmelised Nuns, and Bovines old private school grounds. >From there it was all downhill, and we soon found ourselves beating the bushes for batty boys along the banks of the Yarra. At one point here Mummies Boy claims he was set upon by a gang of Purple Queens who left him walking funny by the time they were finished with him.
But before long we were returned to the safer and slightly more affordable domain of Richmond, the Ikea world headquarters marking our re-entry to a lower tax-bracket with its garish blue and yellow frontage (matching Nickel-Bs outfit). Udder Idiot was making up for a year of neglect by carefully marking trail throughout, although he may have curtailed the trail here and there to get us back on-in in under 90 minutes.
Back at the ranch E&B (aka “Elaine”) had been cooking up a mean “beef” rendang, though many noted that the cat had coincidentally gone missing. Quasimodo had pulled a Skiddy back again after her “farewell” run, though she explained it was just to keep an eye on all her stuff piled up in the shed considering hashers propensity for sticky fingers.
The rendang had fired up the hashs collective libido, judging by the charges that followed. E&B had invited both Janus and Bovine to park it in her rear. IBM couldnt help but notice that Swallowers brazillian matched Princes flavor-saver. Klingon was driving a stroller made by “Swallow”. And then Swallower was caught getting a close look at Mummies Boys shorts. Meanwhile, Nick and Lotsafun were getting romantic in the circle, IBM was poking Swallower in the tum and Astro was nicking off to the pub with Lethal (dont ask, dont tell). Then Non-entity showed up on a date with Gail who, he was quick to explain, is Irregular.
Everyone in the circle had a drink except Toto, who was then given a drink for not having a drink. TDTD got his 50th run plaque, and then “Elaine” started sweeping the floor around our feet so it was time to go.