Run 913 Report


Run 913: January 23, 2002 Bayview St, by the bay, Williamstown

Hare: Highly Infectious


The scene is a pleasante bayside gardene partye. A bande of heartye Lakeside Harriers make ribalde merryement after having full-well supped on toothsome viands and drunke of fine ales and wines. Come, genteel readere, and we will harkene as thaeyre GrandeMistress calles them to order…


EGGE & BACOYNE PYE: Now is the on-after of oure discontente: thy form in calling and markinge of traile is grievous deficient, and wonts for certitude and deade reckoninge. Come hither, Highly Infectious, knavish Hare, and quaffe thy gob fulle of ale! Whinging Pomme, recyte to our gathered assemblie your accountinge of our sporte this eve. What score doe thee granteth our Hare?

WHINGING POMME: In truth, Ma’am, I have come late. I know notte a true accounting of yon traile.

IBM: (roguish aside to the assembly) Prithee, wouldst thou give him one?

MUMMIES’ BOYE (further aside) But young wench cums late! ‘Tis certaine she’d neede two or three! (a murmur ripples through the crowde).

EGGE & BACOYNE PYE: Silence, you impertinent gudgeon! Now doe I welcome Visitores & Virgins, and Returnees: they be Titillator, Jenny, Gareth and Janus. Whereof we now celebrate the day of the well-known young Hibernian poet, Rabbie Burns, (in truth, he hath not been born yet), and I count only one amonge youre number who hath wore a Caledonian token – Too Dumb Too Die, come forth and swigge!

GG: But Ma’am, hath stronge drinke blurred thine eyes? Didst not Boner don a handsome tartan? And Ma’am, thou did not mentione ‘Pat.’ In truth, methinks thou hast not got her name ‘down Pat’!

EGGE & BACOYNE PYE: Begone, thou artless bugbear! Aah, but ‘tis some merit in

thy entreaty. Boner; come forward!

MUMMIES’ BOYE: I hereby present thee, Boner, the sacred relic of the ancestral mace of the Scottish Parliament on the occasion of youre 100th Runne. Faire a thing it is; Highly Infectious hath forged this metal with highe skille and arte. (Mummies’ Boy rummages around in the garage and comes out with Barterbitch’s old wrought-iron letterbox, numbered ‘100.’)

BARTERBITCH: ‘Tis a cunning disguise, Boner. Even thy faire bearde thou hast dyed

and greyed.

DEEP THROAT: GG, where art mine hubcaps? Why, thou art a knave, a rascal, an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited hundred-pound, worsted-stocking knave; a glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue, one that wouldst be a bawd in way of good service, one whom I will beat into clamorous whining, if thou deniest the least syllable of thy addition!

GG: GrandeMistresse, feel free to jump in and defend me any time!

IBM: I have a riddle for the Companye: what are the three fates of womenhoode? Let us

Line-up Like A Virgin, Gerbils and Swallower. Speak not of Virgins & Visitores;

why, these three are woman before, during and after sex! (Obscure; an apparent visual gag which even the immortal Bard cannot render entirely clearly).

GERBILS: Enough of your japes and base trickery, man. I would fain award Major Fuck-Up with charge for her 69th run … hmmm…all the same, tis’ awarded her most everye weeke.

WINGS: Her apparel is passing strange, forsooth. ‘Tis a badge of Queere Pride, nay? And ha, ha! She wears cruel garters!

MUMMIES’ BOYE. Ye woulde do well to speake of the bawdy arts, squire. Why, look over there, I didst spye Janus; he hath a leane and hungry looke. I sawe him squinting sideways, peering into that highe balconye. Hast thy a faire love, waiting yonder, I entreated him. Nay said he, but did seest the next-door neighbour prowling in the nude. Why, oure man is naught but a base knave! Blanket thy loins, and drinke a long draught, siree!

TOO DUMB TOO DIE: ‘Tis a fact he peers two-faced. Here ladde, don this fittinge Janus cap. And what of our hostes? This nude neighboure doth hange a signe proclaiming “S & M Industries” from his cottage. ‘Twas an oversight not to invite them to our bawde.

MUMMIES” BOYE Ande ye, Highly Infectiouse – me thoughte ye were a merry, robust prankster. But looke in your outdoor privy. There is no sporte to be hadde. Wherefore art thy stick mags?

EGGE & BACOYNE PYE: (draws raffle). And now awaye, companye! I came not to praise

thee, but to charge thee. The eve’s breeze doth grow chill and stronge. Shall I

compare it to a summer’s daye? Nay, Sommer’s lease hath all too short a date, and a rough wind doth shake the darling fence pickets. Oh, it doth set my pugging tooth an edge, for a Quart of Ale is a dish for a King.

On on, Mummies’ Boye



Run 914 January 30 Kling-on Koomba Park, Wantirna

Lunar New Year Run!


Melway: 63 C8.

Run 915 February 7 Tangles tba

Run 916 February 13 Cooch tba

Run 917

February 16 (5 pm) Barterbitch Oxford Scholar Hotel, cnr Swanston

The 7th annual


Red Dress Run & A’Beckett Streets

$10 covers all, Wear a RED DRESS! Melway: 2B E 12



Full Moon Run 27 Jan, 2002 4pm BYOG & BBQ Yellow Gum Park – Melways: 10 G5; Hare: Klingon

From Greensborough take Diamond Creek Road, Yan Yean Road then Memorial Drive

Western Suburbs H3’s 21st Anniversary


2/2/2; Footscray Secondary College School Camp, 20 Napoleons St, Greendale; about ½-way between Melbourne & Ballarat.  About 5km off the freeway and about 10km the Frankston side of Ballan.) Approx $75. Get in touch with BB.

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