Lakeside Hash House Harriers
The drinking club with lots of problems
RUN NO. 933
5 June 2002
HARE : Father & Miss Piggy
VENUE: The East Melbourne General Store,
55 Hotham Street, East Melbourne
Grand Master: Egg & Bacon Pie
(Lorraine Gierck) Ph: (03) 9421-1134 (H)
Sergeant-at-Arms: Gerbils
(Cathy Devries)(& Deputy GM);
Hash Kash: Point Post
(David Shearn) Ph: (03) 9885 9906 H
Hash On-secs: Nobody
serving in this position – Desperately seeking a desperate person who wants to help out til the end of our tenure!
Social Secretary: Cheesecake
(Elizabeth Kelly)Ph: 9212 1942 (w) 9521 8038 (h)
Trail Mistrress: Lipstick
(Judith Pound) (0415 195 0930)
Master: Barbaaara (Kevin Kitchingham) (0414 770 288)
Religious advisor: IBM
(Martin Evans)(03) 9521 9439 (H)
Web Master: The Boomerang
(Jon Miller)Ph: (03) 9523-1694 (H)
Hash Haberdashery: Whinging Pom
(Margaret Collette)
Committee Member: Rugarse
( Paul Hooper) Leave of Absence for rest of year
Chechin Chicken: Janus
(Hugh) 0419 698 784
Hash Horn: Too Dumb to Die
(Ian Morgan) Leave of absence for rest of year 9421 5221(H)
Web Site:
Run Report
The runners and riders are finally lined up at the start. Late withdrawls from Whippet, Remover, Cooch and Bovine Breeder, has left Queen Bea and Prince as joint favourites. Queen Bea is frothing at the mouth, Prince is however standing nicely, saving his energy for Lakesides version of the Grand National
And theyre off!!
Its Queen Bea and Prince making the early running; still QB and P; now closely followed by The Boomerang, then the rest all in a pack; too close to call.
Up and down Fitzroy, no change at the front as they pound the pavements and tarmac, en route to Beechers Brook.
Its a disaster. We have a refusal at Beachers. A stray horse from the Peninsula mens stable is refusing to check, claiming that visitors dont check. Lakesides fillies are standing no nonsense though, and have dragged him to his duty. On on, through Fitsroy Gardens and on to the next big obstacle: the water jump. Its a commotion; the GM has been left behind! The Chief Steward who answers to Father, having sent her wide at a check, has now abandoned her! Whats this? Shes pulling up and going home!
On on with the rest of the pack: still QB and P at the front; Nicola and Sha*adelic heading up the fillies who are having their own separate run.
More trouble: the Chief Stewart has them running around the Botanic Gardens in circles. The leaders are now at the back, Tangles is at the front (well the pub near the on home is at the front, isnt it), ok, the back are in front and the front are at the back, and now its the other way around, and wait moment, no, theyve swapped around again and again and again. Boners looking confused: hes walking but hes leading and here they go passed him for the fifth time in as many minutes!
Ah, back to QB & P. More chaos: theyve abandoned the fillies. The Lakeside Fillies are having to venture through the dark and lonely woods without the protection of two strapping colts, QB and P having sprinted off. [Now guys, please take note, Bovine Breeder and Remover will for the proper fee, give you lessons in how not to abandon young ladies on a dark night. References are available (again for a fee) from Deep Throat and Quasimodo.]
Just one more lap to run and its still QB and P, now joined by Point Post.
To quote Shakespeare: “enough, no more, tis not so sweet now as it was before”. This is when the scribe decided it was high time to stop running and instead, to indulge in a gossip session with Cheesecake and Sha*adelic. So, apologies to the front runners, but Im calling the Grand National to be a dead heat.
Down downs
Father, Patrick and Miss Piggy Hares
Father abandoning E&B
Father for every crime under the sun
Queen Bea abandoning me
Sha*agelic wearing too many clothes and having the annual “do” named after her
Nicola thinking Wendy was Alice and Alice Wendy
Wendy & Alice – birthdays
Gerbels, E&B, and loads of others sorry folks, cant remember and Ive lost my notes
Forthcoming Runs
Run 934 12 June 2002 :
Queen Bea and Maureen from Hotel Canada, 596 Swanston Street, 2B E9.
Run 935 19 June 2002 : Nickol-B and Lotsa Fun in Hawthorn – The Whitehorse Inn, 5 Burwood Road Hawthorn – $6 for food
Run 936 26 June 2002 : AGM Run
from Port Melbourne Life Saving Club around about $15 for the night plus drinks.
AGM Matters:
- We dont want any more articles for the hash, thank you. Were quite full of it already!
4 July 2002 :
Peninsula Harriettes AGPU in McClelland Drive, Frankston
19 October 2002 :
Annual Balls Up hosted by Peninsula HHH in Mornington. Theme is Shagadellic. Tickets @ $65 per head for meal, beer, wine, champers, softies, gift & prizes. Lakeside shaggers to go in theme so put your thinking condoms on and think of the team fun we had last year, and well do it again.
If the Pakies dont blow up the world in the meantime, Goa in India will be the place to be on the last weekend on September this year. Check the website for details. All Lakesiders registered please contact E&B so we can organise a LSH3 T shirt and handouts.