Run 991 Report


Run 991 9 July 2003

Venue: Khyat’s of Brighton

Hare: Janus


Who would ever expect that THE Eileen Critchley would turn up at a Lakeside Hash! For those of you not in the know, Eileen Critchley was the femme fatale and nemesis of Michael Murray, the loony left mayor of Liverpool in the TV series “GBH”. Eileen Critchley was so gorgeous that any full-blooded man would want to jump through the TV screen to meet her. She was almost on a par with Julie Christie in her heyday!

Pity that the Eileen Critchley that turned up on Wednesday night was a bloke in a West London H3 Tee Shirt! Never mind, we can but dream and it was an interesting discussion with E and B concerning the interpretation of what actually happened at the end of the series.

I digress

Well the run had its debits and credits. First, it was held at Khyat’s at Brighton and I noted that a few hashers required elocution lessons on how to pronounce Brighton (it’s BRUYTON). We will therefore give this aspect of the run a green tick.

Second, like most accountants the run was predictable and safe expect for a close shave where the arrows nearly crossed each other. We’ll give this aspect a red tick

Third, we were shown the better parts of Bayside inhabited by the working elite of plumbers and bricklayers. For those who live in other parts of Bayside, I was thankful that Wings didn’t turn up and call the areas we live the “Frankston end” of Bayside. I can’t help but tell you that the hare was complaining that his neighbours just down the road in Middle Brighton wouldn’t sell their million dollar blocks to him so that he could build his new tennis court and swimming pool. For sending us through these leafy streets and making us jealous he should have a red tick.

Thankfully, the run was not long and it was a lovely, clear and still evening. I’ll the RA green tick for this bit.

Mouth to Mouth when asked about the run was speechless but still scored it 60 out of 72, so overall the Hare achieved a positive balance on the night


Martha, James and Natalie – You couldn’t help but notice Martha!

Eileen Critchley and Holy Ghost

Special Runs

Janus (quatre-vingt dix), Mouth to Mouth (dix), Lots of Fun (soixante)

Some of the Charges

E and B for selling Lakeside socks,

Lethal – for reciting the history of the Southern Suburbs on the run and looking for retirement homes

Deeper – for getting too close to some of his ex houses

Swallower – for not bringing IBM along and thinking Boomerang was her husband

Cock Up – for making Mrs CU wear her pearls on the run

Janus – For setting a run that didn’t go past Deeper’s ex houses

Astro – for not being the checking chicken ( you’ll get used to this charge after a while Astro!)

Udder – For wanting England to win the rugby (anything’s better than New Zealand winning it)

Eileen Critchley – For sleeping after his flight from the UK

TDTD – For being a front-runner and hash horn at the same time

Mothball – being beaten by an 86 year old in the tipping competition

Rosanna – for wondering what the circle is all about

Kakadu – for superb dress sense in keeping with Brighton society


Udder Idiot


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