Lakeside Hash run 1942 Docklands.
Hares:- Cyclone and Peanuts.
A very warm run in Docklands Park. Difficult parking – Catch the train
Run through the city, down to the Yarra.
A milestone run with no alcohol at the drink stop
Run report:- Udder – Liked the art works. No complaints in 49 degree heat. The crowds parted. Score 1
Walk report:- Gargoyle Went through Crown score 40/42
Returnees:- Shaved Pussy.
Special runs:- Gargoyle – 300
Cut Loose – 313
Swingers – 200 (belated)
Charges:- Nickleby – might not have run, but did….legend.
Deeper and Prickly – short cut but did not admit it.
Addon – cleaning drain at onon,
Udder – not checking enough
Astro – running through Crown
Cyclone – big plastic at drink stop.